February 2017 Starters

Hi jo I’ve sent I Facebook request hope I’ve sent to the correct person lol xx ? I’ve not got anything on my Facebook that I’ve got breast cancer as not everyone know just try to deal with it myself first… love angie x

Hi Anncan
Just going to sleep, but wanted to wish you luck for your chemo. Anxiety feels dreadful doesn’t it? However, it’s quite normal and your session will likely go really wellxx

Really spoil yourself and give yourself lots of hugs xx you are doing well


Hi Ann so glad you ok . Hope chemo ok as it can be xx
Moijan … I feel it’s not working as still got lymph node pain … also my boobs hurt so much before my period it’s not right ! Did yours still hurt during your chemo ? And did you suffer bad side effects from chemo?
I have called and asked for onc meeting but want ovaries out really …, and the op now … I’m so unsure what to do but I don’t feel chemo is doing any good. It actually feels like it’s killing me.

Hi Ann hope your chemo goes well for you today and you don’t feel to unwell after this one xx sending hugs to you xx

It didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped lol. Well, the appointment was fine and I came away feeling ok! However in the hours after I was hit with exhaustion then nausea which didn’t abate with tablets then was sick and couldn’t sleep then eventually fell asleep and woke with a pounding head…then was sick again!!! Had to phone the advice line who told me to go to hospital and I got more meds but promptly hurled them up so got put on a drip. Hours later I feel more human and have managed to keep down a half ham roll and wee bowl of rice crispies!! Also in the course of this day from hell I had a second biopsy on my other boob as they found a blob on MRI . Thankfully the doc thinks it’s ‘innocent’ but I’ll hear in a few days. Phew!!!

Zena , just quick one regarding boob pain mine ached for week and half after chemo all around boob .so maybe its a normal occurance hun xx

Hi everyone!  First Chemo tomorrow morning at 9.30am.  I was initially told it wouldn’t start until middle of March to let the wound heal after second op to remove remaining cells, which I had on 31 Jan.  But on Wedneday I was told it would start this Monday!  We’ve had a busy weekend thankfully, including my daughter’s birthday party at 4pm today all booked beforehand, so it’s kept my mind occupied.  But I know tomorrow onwards is not going to be fun.


The information given to me so far has been brilliant albeit scary.  And reading threads on this website has been so helpful so far.


Good luck to everyone starting chemo and to those who have already x We can do this xxx

Hi claire!
Nice to meet you but sorry you find yourself here!
What regime are you on? All of the Fab February’s are on FEC so feel free to ask any questions that might be on your mind. I’ve previously had TC regime so ask away if need be. How many will you be having?
Enjoy your party! Great way to take your mind off things.

Jojo xx

Hi Claire, sorry you find yourself here but welcome to the Fab February girls… ask away we are here for you. I am on day 4 of my second cycle of FEC having a very lazy Sunday afternoon… let’s us know how you get on tomorrow. Take care Ann

Thank you, I will be having 3 x FEC and 3 x T.  I’ve heard different things about both - some saying FEC was easier than T, others saying it was the other way around.  I guess it’s how each person’s body can deal with it :frowning: xxx

Hi Claire, I’m Sarah - the anomaly in the February group, I’m triple positive so am on a slightly different regime - TCH - taxotere, carboplatin and herceptin. My first dose was 14th Feb. I’ve had a WLE which was successful with clear margins and nodes, and though there were 2 tumours close to each other they were both stage 2.
Me and a couple of others are trying cold cap too

zena, sorry for late reply, the internet is rubbish at my house today! I also have watched the ttac videos. Two years running
Whilst there is a lot in what they contain, I myself am currently getting magical results… the problem with maybe opting out of mainstream treatment . eg chemo is that not one of the alternative treatments has been proven to cure ‘cancer’ and the oncs ‘have’ seen improvement with some chemo for some cancers. There are said to be at least 100 variations.,… we are all different and so it can be a bit hit and mss sometimes … try not to be petrified about your chemo… I went 10/12 years after my initial treatment… with no cancer. Give it a chance xxx Moijan???

Zena, if t is taxotere, I did have that…not weekly, but im guessing maybe the werkly doses are lower?

anyway.   Rest assured Taxotere is a very effective chemo, made, if my memory serves, from tree bark or resin initially. It is powerful. I did have some side effects…it can lower the White cells so you need to spoil yourself and boost your immunity. I dont recall feeling sick tho.


  • keep us posted and travel hopefully.  Moijan???

Hello lovely ladies, some of you I know thru Facebook! I’m feeling pretty down in the dumps just now. It’s still early days, only had one FEC so far and five to go then surgery and radiotherapy so it’s a long road still. I know we are told to take it a day at a time but I’m really struggling, I feel like I’m in a nightmare and can’t wake up. I’m just starting week two so am immunosuppressant and it broke my heart last night not being able to cuddle and sleep beside my 4-yr old cos he had sniffles and I hate feeling BC is driving a wedge between me and my babies. I hate it so much. I feel powerless and cornered and i don’t know how to get my **bleep** together.

I’m scared at the end of all this I won’t be clear cos I have triple negative which is apparently more aggressive and more likely to spread especially after treatment. I feel like I’m losing my marbles.

Sorry for ranting. Had to offload that. I don’t have a significant other to comfort me in this **bleep**e time. Excuse the expletives too.

Hi Jac R


I hear what you are saying…however, this is early days for you. There is hope that your treatment plan will work.Xx



try hard to


1/ not soak up the negativity of others…we are all different and Trip Negs are not all the same.!

they all have different forms of bc, that wont be identical. Otherwise there would only be one drug out there!


2/ put your efforts and your faith into getting your treatment plan underway, gve it a chance…you might be pleasantly surprised…you may feel different soon.


3/ spend time talking and listening to optimistic people…and dont google either xx


will look in on the thread later as am just off out, but travel hopefully,




Moijanxx ???





Thanks Moijan! I’ve bounced back a wee bit today. I think my black mood was kicked off by fear of week 2 ie fear of germs. Too much fear in my wee heed just now!! I am also not going out much cos of the exhaustion so have been a slave to those fears. Once I’m around people and interact things seem better. And my kids’ dad made a nice gesture today of buying flowers for my garden and planting them. We’re not together any more but he’s pulling more than his weight which is amazing.

I will definitely stay away from google!

Excellent Jac…soak up and remember that good feelng.xx



Hi peeps.  Well it’s now been a week since my first FEC cycle and thought I’d share my first week.  I walked out of hospital last Monday feeling a bit light headed but positive.  That afternoon I went downhill and although I was given a ‘very good’ anti-sickness pill, I felt very nausous so took an additional one from the supplies they gave me.  The following day I felt the same, slept and felt sick most of the day really.


Then picked up Wednesday, Thursday Friday!  I am an IT Technician by trade so although the body felt flu-y, the dizziness had stopped so I was able to log in and work.


Saturday I went and had my hair cut.  First time short :O  In readiness for when it’ll go :/.  My neck is cold.


Unfortunately Sunday, I woke up with a sore throst, feeling run down.  No temperature, but I rang the hotline as they said to do and they told me to monitor it, but not take paracetamol as it masks possible other infections lingering.  At this point, my husband started feeling very guilty.  The cough and chest infection that he’d forgotten to book in at the docs for on Friday, was possibly coming my way.  I started he immune boost injections on Thursday too so I was maybe naively thinking they would save it developing…


Sure enough this morning I woke and it was on my chest, everything hurt, wheeziness, and bringing up nasty stuff.  I rang the Chemo line at 8 and they asked me to come down at 9.  Cannulated, bloods taken, wheeled through for a chest xray, chest infection confirmed, Penicillin, more steroids, 2 inhalers, and rest on the cards.  So thorough, nothing too much trouble, and thankfully penicillin in tablet form rather than through an IV.


It pays to ring them.  So Chemo-wise the first week was not a right-off and I wasn’t really sick.  This is just a blip.  We will see how the next cycles go for me :slight_smile: xxx

Hi Claire!
How are you doing now? It’s all such a balls ache isn’t it? We can only do what we can with germs & stuff. If they want ya, they’ll get ya!
I wouldn’t hesitate to phone my team now. I’ve been hospitalised twice now & although nothing serious, I needed proper medical attention. I think we worry about bothering them don’t we.
Good luck with your next cycle! When is it?

Jojo xx

Hi Claire, you are having the same treatment as me and I just wondered how many rounds you have had?