Hello to all Feb starters!
I’m jojo pleased to meet you all!
I’ve already had 4 cycles of TC & surgery but as I’m on a trial, the next part of my treatment is 4 FEC which will start Feb 3rd.
Maybe I can advise anyone who is on television same regime?
Take care
Jojo xx
Hi Jojo, I’m joining you in this thread. I had mx in December and SN biopsy. Sentinel nodes were involved so I’m staring chemo on 30 January then axillary clearance to follow. I’m having 3 cycles of EC at 3 weekly intervals and then 9 cycles of weekly T.
Hi Jo
It’s really interesting how different the regimes are for different ladies!
Have you recovered well from your surgery? I’ve had WLE & axillary clearance 2 weeks ago & struggling a bit with my underarm. Had lots of fluid & kept the drain in for 10 days, was still producing 100ml per day. It’s swelling up now although the scars are healing really well! I’ll be phoning my bcn on Monday. Such a palarva isn’t it…
I have my pre chemo on 30th so I’ll be thinking of you Jo. Hopefully it will be kind to you. I felt the first one was the worse as I had no idea what to expect!
Then you just sort of get used to it & get on with it.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Jo!
Jo(jo) ?
Can I also say that sometimes my phone substitutes the word THE for TELEVISION.
Go figure!
Hi Jo,
Yes I’ve recovered from mx. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. My armpit was the worst but I only had sentinel nodes removed. I have yet to have the full clearance. My surgeon warned me that I was likely to be more stiff after that than mx. It’s a way off yet so I’m forgetting about it for now.
So many different treatment plans though. It seems like we’re all different.
Hope your swelling settles. I think the exercises help with movement too.
Jo xx
Hi, I’m due to see oncologist on 31st Jan, after a successful WLE in Dec. I had clear nodes and margins, but am HER2+ and ER+ so am expecting 6 cycles of chemo, with 6 months of herceptin, plus tamoxifen and radio…
so, I suspect I will be a feb starter, obviously depends on what oncologist has to say. Apprehensive about this a lot more than op, but accepted it is what it is!!
Live on my own with 5 dogs, so no idea how I will fare once it starts…
Hi Sparkydee, good news that you’ve had a successful op and clear nodes. I’m apprehensive about chemo too but have accepted that it has to be done. My first one is scheduled for Monday and in a strange way I’m looking forward to it. I think it’s been a while since my mx and I feel like I need to get on with my treatment plan. I’ve had friends who have been through similar and have reassured BMW that chemo is doable. I’m sure your dogs will be great company through your journey. I have 5 kids, 3 cats and 1 dog (a naughty Beagle!).
Come back and let us know how you are doing. I’m sure we will get a few more February starters soon.
Jo xx
Hi both Jo’s!
Monday - eek… I think this week will drag for you…but yes, time is cracking on and I, like you am ready to get going on the next phase, no matter how scary. God love you with that houseful… I hope you remember to look after yourself as well…
JoJo, no, I don’t know, yet… expect I will find out next week… are TAX and FEC different types of chemo?? And I have no idea what g-cfs is! The mind boggles doesn’t it, you get your head around the first part - cancer, type, op, nodes etc, then there’s a whole lot of new stuff to digest!!!
As for dogs, well, after op a couple of friends stayed for first week to help, but they both live hours away. Hopefully I will have a couple of friends nearby who I can call on for dog walking duties if I need help…
Thanks ladies, I will be back after I know more tues!
Hi ladies
Could I join in Feb as need a few buddies to help me along ??
I’m starting chemo finally after a long wait and lots of the agonising scan results!!!
Friday at 12 … for 3 cycles of Fec and the the t part for 3 …
had my pre chemo today which was good but lots to take in .
I get really sick so I’m going on a high dose than normal for sickness so I hope it works…
I’ve been looking into PIP and esa stuff and things like Maggies center for help with the fluffy side like Indian head massage and stuff …
Sorry waffled
Zena x ps ; hey jo c glad you moving forward too and feel better after your op Hun xx
Hi Zena, good to see you in here. I was going to message you and see where you were up to. I’ve felt a bit in limbo and haven’t been on the newly diagnosed for a bit. Glad you’ve got your plan sorted and that your on here with me.
Sparkydee, FEC and Tax are two different regimes using different drugs. Off the top of my head I can’t remember. FEC is is a combination of 3 and Taxol is given as a single drug. Different SEs. I’m on EC (FEC without the F) and Taxol. I’ll let you know how EC is next week!
Jo xx
Hey ,
Thanks girls …
yea I get morning sickness so bad I have to go in to hospital on a drip ?.. it’s vile … I’m like princess Kate lol …( a bit fatter and not such nice hair tho ?)
I’ve started taking my temp everyday and rinsing my mouth with salt water to get it ready … also rubbing coconut oil on ands and feet to try and keep nails soft … bought 3 hats today from tk max too …
Got appt with wig lady but I saw some and I’m not mad keen on them … guess il need one though so prob get one …
hugs to all
Zena xxxx
Zena, I went wig shopping on Monday with a friend. I got it cut and styled and had a giggle. Loved it so much I left the salon with it on! I got so many compliments doing the school run that I haven’t dared go out without it…and I’ve not started chemo yet!! On the plus side, it has been my choice to wear it and not a necessity as a result of hair loss. Hopefully by the time I need it I (and everyone else) will be used to the new look.
Jo xx
I’m having my first chemo session tomorrow (thurs 26th) so I’ve joined this thread. I’ve tried to read stuff and all my family have been great so I feel as prepared as I can be. Collected my wig today too.
I’ve not really been ill throughout mt life (60 years!) and haven’t had children so all this hospital stuff has been completely new to me. I’m hoping I won’t be too much of a wuss tomorrow. My OH is being fantastic and we almost feel like we are preparing for a siege.
The Lingden Davies Centre in Shrewsbury is almost brand new and all the staff have been great so far (apart from one oncologist who was so abrupt) so I’m feeling positive.
Hey jules
Sorry you are here; but good to have you along with us on this …,
Siege is funny and yes Luke preparing for battle … that we will win .
Love and big hug
Zena xxx
Hi Jules, welcome seems like the wrong thing to say but welcome anyway. Please let us know how things go for you tomorrow. I have been asking people I that I know about their chemo experience and it varies. Most have said that the day itself is ok and the SEs don’t kick in straight away.
Hospital (as a patient) is new to me, although I did work in one for 20 years and have 5 kids…I didn’t make a habit of staying in!
Good luck for tomorrow and keep coming on here to chat.
Jo xx
Hi all , im starting chemo 8th feb before surgery .triple neg it seems , 8 sessions once every 2 weeks .despite size of tumour and underrm nodes both consultants seem positive. Going head scarf and badana shopping soon , not sure I’ll go down wig option , see how it pans out feeling little nervous about side effects of chemo .think i need to start eating healthy not my favourite idea lol . Hope ur all doing well .x maria
Hey Maria,
Just like our Jo said to jules - welcome not right but welcome …
Yes me too with the head scarfs ??♀️????♀️???but then after Jos fabulous post about wigs I’m gonna give it a go ????.. (emoji overplay sorry but def some ones for us cancer fighters in there lol)
So glad it’s all positive for you - mine were rubbish so I changed hospitals and it’s all good now .
Love to all the fighters
Zena xx
Hi zena , glad to hear your new hospital was a good move .im feeling quite confident in my hospital as everything is moving quite quickly. Not overly glad about the triple neg result but chemo works well on it apparently .my bcn is trying to catch up with my original doctor , not sure if thats regarding her diagnosis of me 10 months ago , think i feel dissapointed that had i been sent for scans back then it would not be as advanced as it is now …xx
Hi Maria, Jules, Jojo and I will be just a bit ahead of you with chemo so might be able to give you info on SEs. We’re all different and have different plans so I guess until you’ve got the first one out of the way you won’t know exactly how it will affect you. It’s helped me hearing from others who have been through it before me. Some of my friends had very few side effects and others have said that the first cycle is the worst. After that the nurses can change your meds to suit what you need. I have that to look forward to next week ?
I will try and post a photo of my wig but can’t do it from my phone. I thought I’d try it ou and very embarrassingly, I got lots of compliments. I daren’t take it off now in case people realise it was a wig!! I’m not good with scarves (not very girly) but will give it a go. My mum got me a Handy Band from Seasalt www.seasaltcornwall.co.uk. They are multi-purpose, headband, scarf, bandana, balaclava… Lovely and soft too.
Jo xx
The same thing happening to me - I went in as I found a lump - the clinic did ultra sound and found both but sent me home with no follow up - and so when I felt lump after that I thought … it’s fine they looked at it … that was last January and now it’s nearly 6 cm and nodes … they left me and with a family history as my mum died at 36 of bc …
Terrible actually and I’m angry about it - thinking I might do something if I can ? But after a I ve fought this then il see …
it’s frustrating knowing we have caught it and they left us … my doc said human error … I said tell my 5 year old that …
Anyway , we are here now and gonna kick this thing fir sure Hun xxxxxxx