February 2020 Chemo Starters


This thread is for anyone due to start chemotherapy in February 2020.  I’m sure others will be here soon but please introduce yourself and you can all help one another through this phase of your treatment.  If you have any questions please post away on here and others in the community will watch over you whilst you are getting started.  Once you are into it you’ll be pretty good at helping each other.  You can also ask the nurses on this forum if you have any concerns.  In the meantime, the top tip is always to stay well hydrated throughout chemo, aiming for 2 litres of water per day.


Here is the BCC guide on chemo:



I finished my chemo over a year ago and doing very well again now.  Here is my story which has some chemo tips on how I coped which were collectively shared from others who had gone through the same from this forum:lifeafterlola.blogspot.com/p/chemotherapy.html


If you decide to set up a private group its good to stay on here also during treatment as I know from experience there are some people who watch but don’t immediately pluck up the courage to join in.  Your conversations can be a real comfort to others.


Best wishes xx

Here’s an excellent article for anyone concerned about hairloss.  That’s pretty much everyone starting chemo:  


Hi all

I was diagnosed mid Nov, mastectomy mid Dec. Starting Herceptin and 12 week course of Paclitaxel on 12th Feb…not looking forward to it but just want to get on with it now! Interested to hear any tips, or just share news…good and bad?



Can anyone give advice on which supplements to take to boost immunity and general health? I don’t currently take anything so I’m a bit of a novice in this area?




I have just been given the devastating news today that I have Triple Negative breast cancer and will be starting chemotherapy in one to two weeks time. This came as a bolt from the blue because about a week and a half ago I was told that my first biopsies showed I had DCIS and just needed surgery. I’m determined to do everything I can to fight but chemo is terrifying. I would love to chat about this as it helps so much to share and support each other. 

Hi everyone

I had my first round of chemo yesterday (Placitaxel ). I had 2 allergic reactions to it and it had to be stopped. Now have to wait for consultant appointment to see where I go from hear.

On the plus side I had my first Herceptin injection with no reaction at all.

Am wondering about continuing with the Herceptin without the chemo if I can.

Has anyone else been in this situation?

Any feedback would be great

Thanks Ladies 

Love Carol :heart:

I have had my first chemo session today with cold capping. Strangely I found it a positive experience. I felt prepared and looked after. I know that what happens next is unknown as everybody reacts differently and they have to list every scary possible side effect. So will try to stay as positive for as long as I can. My surgeon commented that I was always smiling so I think it helps. Don’t get me wrong I do worry about things but they tend to be things I have control of. All along since diagnosis I have felt normal and that in itself makes you think. I continue to say I’ll turn up when they say and do what they advise and that’s all I can do. I know it’s hard to tell someone to stay positive. You feel what you need to feel but I just wanted to let you know my first session was good. Fingers crossed that continues. 

Aloha Ladies,

I have been meaning to come on in and post and get involved in this wonderful support group, but i am terrible about time management and getting on her to respond… but i am gonna try my best!!

i am new to this site and newly diagnosed with BC in December. Found lump myself. Had full mastectomy on Jan 2nd, and cancer had spread to lymphs and tumor was 7 cm!!!  i have a breast expander in place and will eventually be completing reconstruction. 

Needless to say i was told chemo & radiation will be inevitable.  I just had bone scan and CT scan last week as well as had a port put in my chest area last Tuesday. First chemo treatment started yesterday 2/17/20. Surprisingly i feel ok today, but i think it was due to all the anti-emetic medications they pump me with prior to chemo.  I will be have 8 cycle of AC every other week and 8 cycles of Taxol to follow. And radiation to follow that.  My oncologist said i will lose my hair likely by week 2, so i proactively chopped my hair off. My hair was down to my waist and i cut it to a short bob. Im hoping it will make it a less traumatic transition. (???) In fact, i may even buzz it once the majority starts to come out.  Any other suggestions?

i am so thankful to have a place to share my story with others who truly understand all the feelings of fear, of anxiety, of hope and of gratitude! Most of my blended family children are older and is out of house, (mostly- lol) but i still have a young 10yr old at home who has some special needs so it has been a difficult process for us. 

Anyway, thanks for listening. :heart:



Just found this forum and think it will be a great benefit to me. I am 34 years old and was diagnosed with tnbc on January 10th 2020. My treatment plan in 6-8 FEC-D chemo sessions followed by double mastectomy with reconstruction surgery. I am BRCA 1 positive so mastectomy was always part of the plan, cruelly my mastectomy date was scheduled for 31st Jan 2020. I just didn’t reach it cancer free. 

I’ve had 2 rounds of chemo. I’m now on day 7 post 2nd round and am feeling sorry for myself. I currently have a chest infection (on meds for it) but have found myself to be very emotional just now. Anyone else emotional after chemo? 

Thanks for reading :heart: