FEC Chemo - Bloods too low for 2nd cycle

Was due to have my second FEC tomorrow but have been told white blood count is too low so it has been delayed.
Just wondered from you experienced ladies whether this is likely to be a recurring theme for me or just a one off?
Whilst its nice in one way to be putting it off tomorrow it just means the whole thing is ultimately put back and I am anxious to get on with it.
Any info/experiences gratefully received!
Smartie x

Hi Smartie,
Don’t panic about the bloods they can correct themselves relativly quickly but do try and keep away from any nasty bugs while they are low. In all probability your team will give you an injection to boost your white blood count and they will probably then repeat this after every cycle of chemo. I think they don’t give it as a matter of course to everyone as it’s quite expensive and not everyone needs it.
Try to rest cheers


A similar thing happened to me. I scraped through between FEC 1 and 2, by going back for a second test just before the chemo. I had to wait a week between 2 and 3. I had white blood cell booster injections after that, so you should ask for this if it is not offered to you. It’s annoying to delay things, but you will get there and it’s better than getting a dangerously low white blood cell count.
I had an extra 5 week delay between FEC 3 and TAX1, while my very enlarged appendix was zapped with antibiotics; and an extra week between Tax 1 and 2 to recover from appendix removal. Managed standard time between Tax 2 and 3.
Best just accept an extra week of feeling relatively good - and I hope your remaining chemos go ahead without any delay.

Stella x

Thanks for the quick responses - I am waiting for my nurse to call me tomorrow after speaking to my onc so will ask about the injection.
Will take your advice & enjoy an extra week of feeling well!
Smartie x

Hi Smartie
As the other ladies have said its not unusual to have a delay in chemo when your neutrofils drop to a low level. Injections can be prescribed for future rounds of chemo. I had two chemos delayed and, after the initial disappointment, decided to enjoy the extra week of feeling good. Sort out some treats for yourself and you’ll hopefully feel better about the delay. There is no harm in a short delay and FEC is a hard hitter so, if it’s doing this to your white blood cell count imagine what it’s doing for any stray BC cells :slight_smile:

Thanks Nicky - Hadn’t thought of it like that makes me feel better if its giving those cancer cells a hard time!
Smartie x

Hi there, the cell count booster injection you can take on day two or three of chemo worked for me every time so hope you can ask for it, cheers Moorcow