Hi ladies, I am new to this but wanted to meet people going through the same experiences.
I have had my surgery but next week I have my first FEC chemo and I’m very nervous about what to expect? Will I be sick? Will I gain weight (just lost 30 pounds with weight watchers and would be so upset if I put any back on)
I live alone so wanted to be prepared for all eventualities!! Any advise would be most appreciated.
As someone who also lost quite a bit of weight recently I can sympathise. I’m halfway through my chemo and have put on a few pounds (probably more alcohol related to be honest)!
You will be given steroids which can make you hungrier. I’ve not done weight watchers, but I can tell you that if you could maybe follow slimming world for the duration of your chemo, you will be able to eat large amounts of food and probably still maintain or lose weight whilst on chemo.
I think once you get started, you will find that the couple of days following chemo are the ones that make you want to eat the fridge. I got by eating pittas, humous and salad…never eaten humous before, but craved it!
I’m just concentrated on getting this treatment out of the way then I’ll work on getting rid of the last stone or so…good luck
Hi Foxy,
I’ve just had my 5th FEC,and all i can say is that none of them have been the same.Some i have coped better with than others.You should get to see your onc regurarly and don’t be shy telling him/her exactly how you are feeling as they can make adjustments to your meds so that you don’t suffer too badly.
As regards the weight,well i’m looking on it like having a baby,nine months of treatment and i’ll get into shape again afterwards.I’ve gained weight as i refuse to deny myself food as i enjoy it,and i deserve some pleasure during this difficult time.
I have had my 5th FEC and have been sick for the first day for all of them.
The good news is my weight is in fact exactly the same as it was when I started, I do lose a few pounds the first week after chemo, but soon feel like my old self and start eating and then put back the pounds I lost.
I too thought I would gain weight on chemo, but so far it has not happened yet, and I only have one more to go.
Since surgery mid Novemver and my first Chemo on 28th I have lost a stone! (a few pounds of that was my boob) I was sick but thats because I misunderstood what the nurse said about the anti sickness drugs. The thing for me was the thick head feeling and nausea, this lasted for about a week, then as soon as it came - it went, and you do forget when you pick yourself up again. I’m not experienced as I have only had one dose of FEC so far. Just make sure you take the anti sickness as they tell you. Hope it goes ok for you - let us know how you get on. Mands x
After my first FEC, I just felt sick for the first two days and since then I’ve been fine but very tired. I was told that whatever I ate whilst they were mixing up my chemo I would never touch again…I was a bit sceptical. But, it’s so true!! I had a pizza for lunch whilst they made up my chemo and now I can’t even walk past a pizza in the Supermarket or past a Pizza Hut without feeling very sick…has anyone else experienced this?
You sound as though you are coping very well. I had my FEC earlier in the year and lost 10 pounds in total over the 4 months. Some days I felt sick and others a bit picky. My problem started when it was all finished and I felt I had to make up for lost time. Put the weight back on again.