FEC side effects

My mother-in-law has just had her 2nd cycle of FEC. The anti-sickness meds did their work but she has suffered terribly with trapped wind and has had several days of not eating/sleeping properly.
Has anyone else had this sie effect? Anyone any suggestions on ANYTHING we can do before/during/after next cycle to alleviate this?


I began a thread about windypops a couple of weeks ago (this forum is so busy it has long since disappeared off the front page but you might find it if you scroll back a few pages to older messages) it IS common to be flatulent, and sometimes the wind DOES get trapped which is worse than farting because embarrassment doesn’t last long but the discomfort of trapped wind is bloody awful, as I remember from last night. I think it is OK to take over the counter remedies for side effects like heartburn, trapped wind etc, same way it is OK to take a normal painkiller for a headache. But always best to run by the oncologist - especially as they are interested in symptoms then they can chart how commonplace they are and it will go towards helping others in the future.

Not sleeping properly can be a side effect if she is taking any steroid based anti sickness medication. Or it could be linked to the anxiety of going through all this. Or it could be because chemo zaps your energy badly enough to stop you being physically active, but if you are not being active it is harder to sleep if you’ve not tired your body out, until the fagtigue side effect kicks in.

Not eating properly, is this a case of not eating enough/very much, or not eating “the right things” (ie things your MIL believes she ought to be eating because they are what she would normally enjoy or because she knows they are good for her health??)

sorry this wasn’t much help

forgot to add, re trapped wind: sometimes if I feel I have a build up of windypops that doesn’t seem to want to leave my body, lying down straight can help - I figure it is easier for it to find the exit if I am not sitting scrunched up on the sofa. Of course this is complete bobbins since our intestines are all zig zag inside our bodies but I just find that having my body in a straight line does help me!

Hi Liverlass

On the sleepless nights make sure you MIL doesnt take her steriods too late I try and take my second lot before 4pm sometimes earlier depends on when Im eating find it works better with food. Hope that helps


I used Andrews liver salts for wind, and always had all anti sickness tablets taken by lunchtime.
Hope she is ok and you for that matter, this affects all the family, so feel free to come here and ask anything, there is always someone who can relate to any problem

Take Care

HI There
I find Wind Ease tablets very helpful. Hope this helps.


The F bit of FEC is 5-FU and is used to also treat bowel cancer so does cause all sorts of bowel problems especially wind. Ask your onc what can be given to help.
It is common not to want to eat properly after chemo as food often tastes completely different.
Make sure she doesn’t take her steroids too late in the day. I was told to take the first dose in the morning and second one at noon.
Hope all goes better nest time for her