This is my first time on Forum.
I need some practical advise before I start Chemo.
I had wide local excision and axillary clearance last month. Histology showed 35mm grade 2 . Lymph node clearance showed 4/26 . Margins not clear so will need mastectomy. But first I’m having FEC-T chemo , radiothetapy and then masyectomy with free flap reconstruction.
Next step is Chemo FEC-T on Tuesday so I’d like have tips from gals who have had simular 3 x cycles FEC followed by 3 x cycles of docetaxel .
CANNULA in hand. Pros and cons. Has anyone nanaged their whole 6 x cycles this way or did they have to have PICC line or Implant port ?
COLD CAP does it work with FEC-T . I’m going to try it.
Have been told to use conditioner in hair ,to make sure cap fits cotrectly and to take ibuprofen 1/2 hour before as can case headaches. Any other tips please
Hi Franci, I have just had my fourth of 6 FEC-T, the first Docetaxel. I have had a cannula each time and it has been OK, I am expecting to continue with a cannula for the remaining two.
I have also been using the cold cap and although my hair thinned a lot after the first treatment, I still have hair covering my whole head and there is now new hair growing, albeit still very short. The hair seems to have stabilised after the first session. I did not take ibuprofen and found that the cold was not noticeable after 10 or 15 minutes. I agree that the cap needs to fit closely and have used conditioner but it is not essential, as long as the hair is wet.
Good luck with your treatment. You might like to post on the June 2014 chemotherapy monthly thread as well, where there are several ladies going through chemo at the same time as you and you can compare notes.
Thanks for shareing your experiances with me.
I will look at June Chemo forum as well.
Wishing you a smooth path ahead and quick recovery
Best wishes
F x
I had FEC-T starting February 5th 2013. A cannula in my hand was used every time with no problems. I didn’t use the cold cap myself, but one of my group (February Valentines 2013) did. She lost a little hair, but kept enough for it to look reasonably good. Other tips, when they are infusing 5FU (the last drug to go in) suck ice cubes until it has finished, to stop your mouth getting sore. Epirubicin (the first drug to go in) makes your wee red for a while, so drink plenty of water for a couple of days afterwards. They will give you steroids to take for the first 3 days afterwards, take them as early in the day as you can, but no later than about 2pm, or you won’t get any sleep. Make notes of any side effects you might experience and tell your oncologist so they can give you drugs to counteract it next time. Join one of the monthly chemotherapy threads. You will meet a group of women going through the same as you, so you can support one another and exchange advice, tips, worries and good news - yes, there will be some along the way.
Hi Franci
I’m having 8 x FEC-T and had my second FEC on Friday. I am having it via a canular and the first time after day 5 my vein went red and was very sore. I was told to rest my arm and alternate ice with ibrufen cream. The vein has now healed and although it still feels hard and looks dark it is not causing any pain. As I haven’t had surgery yet they are able to use both arms so I had the next one in my opposite arm. I can feel a little pain in that vein but not to the extent of last time.
I’ve had the cold cap twice now and can report I still have a full head of hair. I am washing it, brushing and blow drying it every morning and I lose a small handful every morning but it is evenly spread and has just thinned out a little. Every morning I inspect my pillow to see if this is the day I lose my hair but can report to date not one single hair on my pillow.
Hope your chemo goes as well as it can. X
I had my first 2 FEC through a Cannula but after that I had a Port put in
I found that my veins did get a bit painful during the first 2 FEC so it was advised to have the port put in. We were also having problems getting blood out to be tested before each chemo cycle.
One vein is still damaged even through I have finished treatment. I would see how you go but I did suffer quite a bit of pain with the Cannula and I am glad I had the port put in.
I didnt use a coldcap but my next door neighbour did, her hair thinned but she did maintain most of it. I lost all my hair but it is growing back really quickly now
Thanks for telling me about your journey.
Sorry you had problem with your vein.
Can I ask whether your Dr or nurse daid if your damaged vein will heal eventually?
It’s now only day 2 after my Chemo and my vein feels normal… How long after your did you get pain or was it straight away?
I’ve just finished my course of FEC / FEC-T today - 3 x FEC and 3 x FEC-T. I did try the cold cap originally but it didn’t seem to work for me, even after just one session, my hair went extremely thin on top, so I almost had a monk style, so I shaved it off, best decision I made, I think, bit more comfortable. I had a PICC line in, so that’s been in the top of my left arm for 18 weeks and that came out today after chemo had finished.
I’m booked in August 1st for my mastectomy, then will have a course of radiotherapy at possibly 3 weeks with 3-5 sessions per week then have the reconstruction after all that’s healed and settled down.
If you do feel really sick with chemo, ask for Emend, it’s great, really stops you feeling as bad, I had that the 2nd lot as I was sick 3 times after my first session. But they do give you a good supply of anti-sickness to help, that’s dexamethesene and kytril. Are you having the filgrastin injections too (usually start 3 days after treatment for 5 days)?
Hi Franci. I’ve just had my second cycle of FEC-T and used the cold cap. The first time my head didn’t feel cold at all and I lost a lot of hair from my crown. They did check the neck hair but my oncologist thinks the cap size was wrong. The second cold cap was very cold. I did have unusually thick hair and the first time they sprayed it to damoen it and I did think it wouldn’t have penetrated to my scalp. Now I wet it at home.