Hi has anyone had fecx6? I’ve just had round 2 and was wondering what to expect for the later treatments. Most people seem to have fec-t but they’re are a few of us on the October thread who are fecx6 so would be good to hear from anyone who is further on in their treatment.

I didn’t notice this thread when I answered before.  I did lose all the hair on my body including eyelashes, eyebrows and nose hair.  I was so pleased when my eyebrows grew back (about six weeks after my last chemo) as I was fed up drawing them on.  It’s so nice now, not having running eyes and a runny nose.  And it was such a delight to put mascara on again - eyelashes were back after about 8 weeks.


My last chemo was on the 1 June, but my hair still fell out 18 days later, it only stopped falling out after this time. My normal routine was for my head to start aching around day 18 aching and then it would fall out.


I had all the horrible SE’s to begin with, but they actually got less and less.  I would still have them, but they wouldn’t last very long, maybe hours.  The worst was the achy bones, my body hurt and by the last chemo I was in bed from the Saturday until the Wednesday.  Then I got up on Thursday, exhausted but feeling normal.


The strange thing was that on day 21 after my last chemo, my nausea built up again, it was like my body hadn’t realised I wasn’t having another chemo.


I haven’t bothered with wigs - I have about 20 different coloured scarves. 

Hi Meesh, I’ve posted on the May chemo thread. X

Thanks SilverLady. Looks like we’re all in the king curly hair bracket. Mine’s about three in Jc es at the moment. Can’t face a wig, going to have to brave the shave and then the bald. Im in round 2 day three and my legs are really aching. Didn’t have this last round but nausea is better. Eyebrows and eyelashes are still intact but I think they’re thinning. Hey ho, I’ll just have to hope my LGFB course comes through soon x

Long not king. Stupid sausage fingers

Hi im having 6 fec due my 3rd in 2 weeks