Fed up after rads


Finished last treatment 3rd Jan, sore but ok, 5th infection started in my nipple gp gave me antibiotics which in turn have given me oral thrush now on medication for that. Went to gp on Friday for this took my blood pressure which was 184/101 I do have high blood pressure controlled by meds. Sent me immediately to Acute Medical Unit at hospital to check encase it was a blood clot. Thankfully not sent home but no explanation what it could be. Sunday my stupid horrendous period started again and this morning I’ve woken up with not sure ear infection making my throat sore or throat infection making my ear sore. Have tired all day to get a gp appt and none available so fed up and worn out. Just feeling sore for myself.

Hi Ruth,


Bless you, sorry you are feeling poorly. Hopefully the new medication they have prescribed will get rid of the problems caused by the antibiotics.  I think we concentrate so hard on trying to be positive and keep momentum when going through treatment it catches up with us when we take a breath.  Hopefully they will be able to get your blood pressure under control too.   Try and take it easy, if you think about what you have been through and how much your body has put up with, it’s not fair something else comes along to be a pain and pest.  Sending hugs xx 

Hi Ruth,

I finished radio on 22nd Dec, I feel like I’ve been sick from I finished, have just spent another 6 days in bed and another anti biotic. Felt like it was a throat chest and sinus infection all in one. Was thinking it that a one off and just something bad that was going about or is that the way I’ll be hit with stuff for a while but it floored me.

You seem to be having a rough time. Did you get to see a doc? xx


I am getting there the antibiotics given for the infection actually gave me oral thrush which I have had now for 4 weeks back to gp tomorrow for review. Also the tamoxifen has put my blood pressure sky high so now on additional tablets for that. Off to see gyne 19th about having my ovaries removed so they can change from tamoxifen to something else. My dad died from a heat attack and heart disease so they are concerned about that. Just this journey to get through. Hope you are feeling better xx