FED UP Hi Is there anybody out there still feeling FED UP and LOW after 3 months out of treatment cannot seem to get things together again and it really winds me up Sorry for the Moan but I am haveing trouble getting myself back to work.
Hi Janet
Sorry to hear that you’re feeling so fed up. It’s still very early days yet so try not to beat yourself up too much about not getting things together. I think we’re all expected to feel back to normal once treatment has finished but in my experience, it takes a long time to not only heal physically but also emotionally. It’s now 18 months since my treatment finished. I can honestly say that it’s only recently that good days outnumber bad ones and if I am feeling down, I seem to have the strength to pull myself up again but even now, it isn’t always easy.
Never apologise for moaning - after all you have been through you are entitled to moan as much as you like, especially on this site where we all know exactly how you are feeling!
Hope this helps.
still fed up hi janet
i can empathise cause im 5 months post treatment, started on prozac 4 weeks ago, and still not back at work!!
have changed from tamoxifen to nolvadex D, which has lessened the night sweats and hot flushes, but am still fed up and low a lot of the time
friends say im too hard on myself but i feel a bit of a failure, thinking im not the strong woman i thought i was!
its like i want the old me back and knowing i cant have it is soul destroying at times
only someone who has been affected by a life threatening illness can really know how we think
i have got a place on the 2 day course, living with breast cancer, run by BCC, [in Falkirk in June] am hoping speaking to others will benefit me
it helps me to sign on this site, keeps me just about sane
have a good moan i say, makes you feel better
Hi Janet I finished treatment on 1st February this year after 2 ops, 4 x AC and 25 Rads - now on Arimidex. Returned to work on 8th March and have felt really low. Struggling with work and feel really depressed. I had to go back to work as I need the money but to be honest was not ready - if you can afford it I would advise you not to go back until you feel up to it. I feel even more depressed as I do not feel I am on top of my job and the person who covered it did a good job. There is a now a big reorganisation at work and do not know where I am going to be moved to - another worry. Take care - you are not alone Sandra
post chemo stress Hello Janet, my oncologist told me that it would minimally three months before the drugs worked their way out of the system; Seemed about that before I began to feel myself again, but after FEC and Vinolrebine. Still have some physical effects. All I can say is don’t worry about it.