As you know I haven’t had fun this week but I have a question. I feel like my body has the flu…I don’t think it is the flu but you know the feeling. My temp. on a normal day is around 36.8C and today it has been up to 37.9C and at the moment it is at 37.5C. My husband phoned the ward and asked them about things and they said if my temp goes to 38.5C or I start having the shivers, which I had earlier today, then I should go in. I have been sleeping an awful lot and when I went to get my PICC line sorted today I couldn’t drive myself in, as I usually do.
Anyone had the same feeling? What did you do?
Has anyone had a blood pressure collapse?
I don’t want to go into hospital so I hope someone out there can just give me a hug.
Tell me it will pass and that I won’t have to leave my home.
Here is a massive cyberhug coming your way. Would love to do it personally too and give you a massive hug!!! I hope you are feeling a little better and hope that you so don’t have to go to hospital. Go lie down and rest for the entire evening and try to do the same tomorrow. Rest is good for you.
Take care and keeping everything crossed that you recover quickly and no hospital visit is needed. But keep an eye on your temp.
My heart really does go out to you the hard time you have been having. I have no words of wisdom and I know you really dont want to go to hospital again but after the time you have been having, if there is any doubt then you should take the wards advice and go in. Can I just ask - did all this start before or after you got your PICC line flushed today?
I can certainly send you loads and loads and loads of cyber hugs - only wish they could make it all better for you.
Take care of yourself - will keep watching to see how your getting on
Thinking of you
I’d be at the hospital demanding to be admitted. When was your last chemo and what type.? I went in with a temp of 38.3 and after blood tests it showed I was neutropenic. Spent 5 days in hospital and then was only discharge after they gave me a neutrophil booster GCSF. Another indication of neutropenia is an increased pulse rate and a lowered blood pressure. I’m on taxotere at the moment and the advice I was given was to come in to hospital if my temp got up to 37.9
I am having FEC…the last dose was a couple of weeks back…Tuesday next week is dose number five. I have low blood pressure as it is and I am keeping an eye on it…bit scary though isn’t it!
While I was having the EC chemo I did have one day where my temp was going up and down all day and then come evening it went to 101.7 and I had the shivers, I called the chemo ward and they thought that I sounded well but didn’t want to risk it so they said I should go to the hospital and get myself checked over and thankfully my bloods were ok, I think it was just a reaction to the chemo, but it should always be checked out so if you don’t start feeling any better or get the shivers again I’d take yourself off to the hospital. I had suggested to them that maybe I could wait till morning and see how I felt but they said that things could change quickly and that it wasn’t a good idea.
With regards to a blood pressure collapse, I had this last Friday, it was a week after my last chemo, I was sitting talking to my BCN and I started to feel very ill, as if I was going to pass out, it lasted over 10 minutes and was very frightening, when I was feeling normal again she took my blood pressure and it was 107/62, this is very very low for me, I have high BP and my reading is normally 150/90 and it had obviously gone much lower hence me feeling so rough, it took 5 or 6 hours for it to come back up to my normal, I had a whole range of tests and none of the doctors could figure out what happened and the oncs didn’t believe it had anything to do with the chemo but who knows, thankfully it hasn’t happened again (touch wood!).
I hope you feel better soon and you don’t need a trip to the hospital.
I was told to come to hospital (day 13 after first FEC) with 38C and I was given blood test and showed I was neutropenic…with 0.2 as the nuetrophil level. I spent 5 days in hospital and told I needed the GCSF shots after next chemo and I am at day 14 since 2nd FEC and feeling good so I guess the GCSF is doing it’s job!!! … so if you feel badly I would call again. Best wishes sending your way and I hope u r feeling better soon. Take care.
Feel for you, and if I it happened to me I would probably feel the same as i hate hospitals - but perhaps we should all learn to understand that these places are here to help us so yes it is probably wise to get it checked out - better to be safe from sorry - and thats coming from the biggest wimp!
So I’m sending cyber hugs & some strength
I hope you are feeling fine soon and its all a false alarm!
Keep us posted
Take Care
i understand how you feel - 5 days after my first chemo i spent the day on the chemo suite with two hourly obs - and they kept holding the sword of damacles over my head (being admitted) if my temp and pulse didn’t go down - i was sent home eventually and told to take my temp every 3 hours. If it went over 38ºC then i had to go in.
A week later i still felt like pooh so they got my gp to do my bloods again, but he put me on antibiotics anyway as i had a chest infection! So don’t be afraid to involve your GP, some are very switched on.
Hope you’re feeling better now