Feel like have been waiting forever for treatment

I am 29 and was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer 27mm that has spread to the lymph nodes on the 23rd April.  I have had a CT scan, MRI scan and bone scan I also then found a second cancerous lump 33mm which I had biopsied last week and I had an appointment on Friday 16th May to find out about treatment. I have not been dealing with the diagnosis very well and have been terrified that the cancer had spread. 


At my results appointment the consultant said that the lymph nodes were the main worry, think he basically implied that they were very visable on the MRI so I would need chemo first, then we could decide on appropriate surgery and radiotherapy.  He said that if I needed a mastectomy that I would not be able to have an immediate reconstruction. And that my cancer is not receptive to hormones so wouldn’t be able to have hormone treatment.


I am worried that this is all being left too long, the second lump was not noticed at the original appointment by either him or me (it seemed to come from no where) so I’m worried things are developing in me quickly.  Right now I have no further appointments booked.  I was waiting for the rest of the day on Friday and have been waiting all day today but still not heard when they will be able to get me booked in to see the Oncologist, then once this is done I need an appointment to look around the place where chemo is given before I start.


The hospital estimated it will be 2-3 weeks.  This means it will have been 5-6 weeks from the day I was told I had cancer to beginning chemo, I’m so scared that it’s taking too long, I feel like I can’t relax or settle as I can constantly feel the pain in my breast and armpit, and to top it all off my other breast has started to become painful. 


Is this about a normal waiting time? It feels like forever, especially this having no idea when my next appointment is!

Hi runner29 amd welcome to the BCC forums

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Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi runner29


Sorry to hear that you joined our horrible club. I see by what you written how terrified you are and my heart goes out to you. I was diagnosed on 14th April with invasive ductal cancer grade 3.Had U/S on the same day that showed the lymph nodes as clear. Then had 2 weeks of waiting due to Easter until my MRI scan which showed one lump in my right breast. Then another week and a half to get the results of the MRI scan which confirmed one lump approx 12mm and surgery booked for 12th May. So altogether it took 4 weeks from diagnosis to surgery.


Had the WLE and SNB biopsy done on 12th May and waiting yet again for my results. Its been 5 weeks now and still no idea what stage I am and whether there is any spread. Keep being told that a few extra weeks won’t make any difference to the outcome. I hope they are right. Anxiety about BC can make us more aware of aches and pains in our bodies and this makes us paranoid and fearful. I have experienced pain in every part of my body even now post-surgery. All I can say to you is what’s been told to me time after time that the hospital know what timelines there are in treating BC and that things won’t change in a space of a few weeks.


However I know what hell you are going through and that playing this waiting game is pure mental torture. Big hugs to you xxx

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Hi runnner 29 they must do things different everywere i was diognosed 29th april with 28mm lump and had mastectomy the 8th may with axially clearance my lymph nodes are affected to. I get results thursday then treatment plan i havent had any scans as yet im terrified havent took any of it well at all i hope u get sorted soon and every area must do different things i expect x

Hi runny29

My consultant mentioned that I will be having radiotherapy and have hormone therapy for 5 year for definite. Chemotherapy they not decided on yet but is a possibility due to my age (40) and my grade of cancer (3). Think they want to recheck the grade of the cancer and whether it has spread before deciding on chemo.

After days of coping, I have had a meltdown over it all today. Still in a state of disbelief over the diagnosis, keep hoping I will wake up from this nightmare. Worried it’s in the lymph nodes as the muscle between my arm and armpit has felt a bit sore but don’t know if anxiety is causing this soreness. Keep feeling my armpit like a mad woman for any lumps or swellings.

Supposed be going on holiday next week but how can I enjoy myself with this going on and the not knowing. Thinking of phoning my BCN to see what the results are but then scared it may be bad news like they have to operate again due to lack of clear margins or they need to do a node clearance. It’s just so terrifying and it consumes every waking thought. As you can see I have gone into full meltdown mode now.

Hope you get into to see your consultant and the treatment process gets underway for you. It’s not on that they keep us waiting for days without a word for them and we are just expect to carry on as normal!! Xxx

Hi Runner,My heart goes out to you,as it does to every lady on here,I am waiting for the results from my WLE and sentinel node biopsies operation which i had last Tuesday ,13 th May .From the day i had my first appointment at the one stop breast clinic where i had ultra sound and 10 biopsies to today is 12 weeks ,I was told on many occasions that a few weeks extra doesn’t make any difference to the outcome,Easy to say but it is a living mightmare!I am dreading the results as my mind goes into overdrive ,i just wish i could run away from it .It is horrible waiting for phone calls ,appointment times .I  seem to have pains everywhere and like you are constantly feeling for lumps . hope things go well and you soon get your treatment started.Good luck.Love Elliesx

Got my appointment through for my results -Friday 6th June! This is nearly 4 weeks after my surgery so yet more torturous waiting ahead :frowning: trying to think on the positive though that if I needed more surgery or my lymph nodes taking out surely they would have me in sooner. Is this the case, if I needed more surgery would they get me In quicker to be seen and get the surgery done? Has anyone been through something similar?

Was diagnosed on the 10th of April, had my surgery (WLE & SNB) on the 2nd of May…result given on 19th of May. My BC was 19mm and I had a clear margin with no lymph node affected. However it was grade 3 (fast growing) and because of my age and being ER and HER2 positive I have been recommended Chemo, Radiotherapy, Herceptin and tamoxifen. I’m due to see the oncologist on the 2nd of June. I also developed a haematoma after my op which must first be healed before I can start Chemo so I am also seeing my consultant again on the 2nd of June. In the meantime I’m researching on PICC line as an option for my Chemo as I’m not very good with needles and my veins usually ‘disappear’ whenever the word needle is mentioned. Ive also cut off my hair in preparation for the side effect of hair loss.

It is truly a waiting game and you have got to stay strong and positive.

All the best ladies x