feel scared and alone

Had BC four years ago, lumpectomy, chemo and radio. went for annual check up on my own Wed. Ultrasound showed three “grey” areas so they did 3 biopsies. Came home very shocked and tearful as not expecting it. Got to wait week for results. My husband was so unsupportive and said i shouldn’t be upset till know results. Having been there once before im’e so scared. Have two teenage boys and feel like there is no one to talk to. Am I silly for worrying before I know. It’s the thought of having to do it all again.

Hi, and welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums. I’m sure you’ll get lots of support from your fellow forum users who have a wealth of information between them.

While you are waiting for some replies, please do give the helpline here a ring and have a chat with one of the staff who are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. Calls to the helpline are free, open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm 0808 800 6000. Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Sorry to hear that you are going throught this new worry…:frowning: You are definatly not being silly {{{hugs}}} a recuarrance is what we all fear most. I hope they can get back to you are soon as possible - waiting is dreadful.

Love Theresa x

Agree with Theresa (seem to be following you around this morning, Theresa!)Not silly at all - no matter what the situation, this constant waiting for results is so stressful, and you’ve obviously had your share last year.

Always someone here for you to talk to, share your worries, even if we can only give virtual (((((Hugs)))))
Lizzy X

Went back for results yesterday and its all good news. It was scar tissue. This has been the longest week of my life and I cried more at the good news than I did 4 years ago with the bad news. Thank you to LizzyM and Theresa for giving me kind words I wish all you ladies the very best of luck


Hi Lisa
So glad to hear your good news, fantastic!
Have a great weekend - think you should have a bet on the Grand National, and buy a lottery ticket - you’re on a roll, girl!

Lizzy XX

Hi Coxlisa

Like you i am waiting for test results. Had a breast MRI 2 weeks ago and got a call back saying they wanted me for an ultrasound. Went for that yesterday and they said they could see ‘something’ between 2 small ‘as they called it, cysts’! They did a biopsey there and then, poor hubby was terrified and so was i. I had BC and had mastectomy left breast June 2007 followed by Arimidex only. The thought of having to go through it all again is terrifying so i know how we are feel waiting for test results.

The hospital i attended has featured greatly in the news at the moment and i did not have a happy time there so really do not want to go back there. I used my little bit of savings last year and went private to have my ovaries out so i have the added worry of going there too.

The waiting is the worse for ourselves and friends and family, my friend is so worried about me that she has had to go home from work with a migraine, so that really makes me feel guilty.

As the radiographer said to me “Lets hope it is the news we want to hear” weird isn’t it!!!

Much love to all the ‘ladies in waiting’ we have each other which is a wonderful thing


Sorry I did not read far enough, that is wonderful news hope mine is the same! I always rejoice when i hear a happy ending! I know so many people who are doing so well many years after a diagnosis so i always live in hope that i may be one too!

What a wonderful, wonderful relief and it has given me hope too.


Hi suzy I was dx in Nov 2007 had Mastectomy etc … went for routine check in Jan 09 doc felt a "lump " was reffered for an MRI …the waiting was horrendous …but alls well that ends well came back as scar tissue /fat necrosis so hopefully yours will be the same … I have everythinhg crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxx
Maz xxx