I was dx in May had WLE/SNB … tumor 8mm nodes clear and had 15 rounds of rads.Finished treatment in August and boob was settling down.About 4 weeks ago it started to get hot red and swollen I saw my breast nurse and she said it was after effects of radiotherapy.Last week I phoned breast nurse as I thought it was getting worse…they were very busy and said it would be difficult to see me today…I explained my symptoms and she said it sounded very much like celulitus and to go to my gp for antibiotics.I saw my gp the same day and straight away she said it was celulitus and if no better in 7 days to go back and we could try some other medication.My breast nurse phoned yesterday appologising for not seeing me on monday and asked how it was going…I said I didnt think these antibiotics were doing much so she offered me a quick app to see surgeon next week sometime…well obviouslty I jumped at that… but now Im thinking the worst and all those anxious feelings are back and Im thinking I have IBC and all sorts … I have been very naughty and had a Google and celulitus symptoms are the same as IBC …*SCARED
Thanks for taking time to read this I just neede to get it down
Kate x
Morning Kate,
I had a very bad infection and Cellulitis and ended back on the ward for 5 days having IV antibiotics , so I think this is quite normal. That is what you may need. Sending you love and hugs to get through this. Love Tracy xxx
Hi Tracy Im thinking it is most definatley an infection of some sort…did it clear up first time?
Hi Kate…no answers for you I’m afraid as I had an Mx and chemo but will send you massive hugs (((())))…hope you get sorted soon…and stop googling…
Aww Hellooo applestreet…how ya doin kidda?? I know I cant help it I have stopped now …lol… had a good cry and feel a bit more positive xx
Kate this is all really normal. It’s cause the radiotherapy messes with your lymph system making you highly prone to cellulitis. Now the good news is that it is probably NOT NOT NOT cancer. BUT cellulitis is nothing to mess with. It can lay you up in the hospital in double quick time. Keep taking the antibiotics, and when you see the surgeon on monday ask if it might help to switch you to others. If you’ve got cellulitis badly sometimes IV antibiotics are the only way to deal with it. If, before monday you develop a fever (over 37.5), please go to A&E right away. Probably the antibiotics just need time to get working.
Anyway, try to stop worrying–isn’t the waiting room awful? <<Big hug>>
Ouch sounds painful its so easy done though … you can be 18 if you want
Thank you everyone will let you know how I get on…Kate x
Hello Quail I wasnt away long was I hope your ok thanks for your comment it all makes sence but we cant help but think the worst every time can we…I am back in the waiting room for sure!
Take Care x
Kate…a good cry is what we need sometimes…I’ve found it quite hard in the last few weeks…I forgot what I was told and stretched upto the curtain pole and hurt my ribs below my Mx scar…forgot I’m not 18 anymore and ended up with sore ribs and muscle at the top of my abdomen…of course I googled the symptoms and frightened myself to death!!!..had a big fat meltdown on thursday…posted on here and got some good sound advice…it’s eased with painkillers…that’ll teach me to behave!!..this site is invaluable. isn’t it …best of luck with the surgeon on Monday…apple…
Hello to you all,
Yes my Cellulitis infection cleared up in 5 days . I was taken to the Breast unit from the ward every day to see my consultant and although the big patch of red skin had reduced so much she kept keeping me in another day and I could not wait to escape as I was bored. When she finally said I could go home it was such a relief I felt like kissing her.
Hang on in there. We are all made of strong stuff and even though we have tearful days and wobbly hours we know we have to pick ourselves up and start all over again. Sounds like a good song to me.
Big hugs Tracy xxx
thanks Tracy your so right…Well I think my boob is getting hotter by the minute now and is feeling very sore… I am thinking of just going to A and E in the morning and hopefully get something rolling …staying positive…will let you all know.
Kate x
Hello Kate,
I went to the out of hours GP and was very lucky to meet a doctor who had had BC herself. As soon as she saw my hot and inflamed skin she sent me straight to Medical Assessment, she bypassed A & E for me but the wait was still long. However I was put on IV antibiotics the same evening as she had insisted on the phone that she already knew what was wrong with me. I think it may be worth seeing the GP as our A&E is so very busy. Do not delay if you think you have a temperature. I had a thermometer anyway cos of taking my temperature during the Chemo so I knew I had a fever.
Thinking of you and hoping that you get sorted in the morning. Keep in touch it does help to know that other people care. Tracy x
Hi everyone
I was a neurotic mess this morning as I woke to discover that my hot boob swolleness had spread to the side …So I really wanted someone to have a look so 3 hours in A and E was worth every minute… definatley celulitus and after rad effects and have been given stronger boticks …hopefully I should see a difference by Tuesday…lets hope I do…AND BREATHE…
thanks again ladies for all your support you are all wonderful
A much more relaxed Kate x
Hiya Kate,
I am glad that you have got some stronger antibiotics this morning. Did the Consultant at A & E mention IV drugs ? Dont delay in going back if you think they are not working . Fingers crossed that you see and feel an improvement by Tuesday.
Love Tracy xxx
yes Tracy I sure will …she said Im not a case for iv’s at the moment she was pretty confident these would work…we will see Im switched on…lol
take care x
Ok its all changed…had a phone call from hospital asking how I was and if I would like to see breast surgeon…that was Fri …I had an 8.30 app yesterday…and I had a scan on my boob and its a seroma along my scar line which is infected.I was so impressed I was able to have this quick app…so she said it should all settle down to keep with the boticks assured me nothing nasty was going on and wants to check it in a months time…Just wanted to let you all know…
Kate x
That is great news Kate…I know you must be very relieved. Take good care of yourself and I hope you are able to have a good Christmas. with love Tracy xxx
thanks again Tracy…back at ya sending a big hug xx