Feeling anxious - waiting for lump to be removed

That’s fantastic news cath. X xx

Hi Cath, That is really fantastic news - I so pleased for you. It must feel so good to be able to leave this all behind now. Fingers crossed we will all be in the same position as you before long.
Hi Lilly - I hope all went well today at the hospital with your core biopsy. I think they can get a better idea of what the lump might be from a biopsy as they take a bigger bit of tissue for analysis. Did they give you any more information? Have they said that you will still need the op or is this now going to be dependant on the outcome of the biopsy? I can understand you must have been really stressed and upset - I think sometimes the health professionals see these things so often that they forget how their poor communication can have a really negative impact on peoples lives. I hope you’ve now got the information you need to put your mind at ease. Take care. I’m thinking of you xxxx

Hi Sue
Went for core biopsy yesterday was a bit sore after but feeling much better today. Got an appointment For tomorrow at 11.05am to get results.
The ultra sound consultant said if results come back same B3 then will after have op. if they come back has a b2 then it would be my choice if I have the op. Will have to wait for tomorrow. I was treated much better at the hospital yesterday I think they realised that I was unhappy with the poor communication. But nevermind, thinking positive now and looking forward to getting tomorrow over with then at least I will know what is happening either way.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are feeling better, is it tomorrow for your results or next Friday?
luv Lilly x x

Hi Lilly,
Good luck for today - let me know how you get on and what you decide to do.
My results were due today but I’ve just got a call from the consultants secretary cancelling my appointment. They are going to try to get me in to see him on Monday at a different hospital otherwise it is going to be next Friday. I have asked the secretary if he can just tell me the results over the phone or via e-mail and she said she would ask him. I just need to know. I am due to go back to work on Monday but won’t be able to concentrate until I know what is going on, Aggghhh. What’s more annoying is that I am being seen under my private healthcare so my insurance is paying for this poor service!
Oh - well. Back to playing the waiting game! I’ll keep you updated.
I’ll be keeping everything crossed for you today.
love Sue xxx

Hi Sue
Got good news today lump is a fibroadenoma, don’t need to have surgery on Monday. Consultant said because its small then it’s best to leave it alone. Feel so relieved finally can stop worry. He apologied for the communication problems, think they should of sent me straight for the core biopsy rather than telling me I needed an operation. But never mind at least I am ok.
How did you get on? Did you fined out your results today?

Love Lilly x x x x

Hi Lilly - that is the best news! You must be so relieved.
I haven’t got my results yet. I was hoping someone would contact me about an appointment for Monday but I guess as it is now the weekend it is unlikely I will get an earlier appointment. I will call his secretary again on Monday morning to try to get the results over the phone. I don’t want to wait another week.
Have a great weekend - relax and celebrate your good news.
I’ll post again when I have some news to share (hopefully before Friday).

Thanks Sue it is such a relief finally can move on and stop worrying. Thank you for all your support and kind words it really did help x x x

Have you got your results yet, please let me know. I am still thinking of you x x x x

Hi Lilly,
Well I’ve finally got my results and it’s not great news but not too bad either I suppose. The lump was a Phyllodes tumour so I have to go and have another op to remove some more tissue. The tumour appears to be benign so that is good news.
Not looking forward to going through surgery again but needs must!
I have my full follow up appointment on Friday and will get my next surgery date then. I just hope it is all done and dusted before my summer hols in August. Might need a smaller cup bikini - well on one side anyway. Might have to by two tops in different cup sizes, cut them in half and sew them together
Take care,
lots of love

Hi Sue
i am so sorry that you have to go through another operation x x x x On the positive note at least they think its benign. I wish you all the best and hope everything is sorted for you. Hopefully it will be last treatment you need then you will be able to stop thinking about it.
Please keep updating me, I will keep checking this thread as I want to know you are ok.

Thinking of you
love Lilly x x x

Thanks Lilly. I will let you know how I get on.

Just a quick update. I met with my consultant today. My next surgery is booked for the 24th so not too long to wait.
The path report showed a low grade tumor. With Phyllodes they consider a mitotic rate of less than 5 as benign and my resut was 1 to 2 so that is good news.
The consultant was confident that this next surgery would sort everything and there wouldn’t be any reoccurrance. Let’s just hope he is right!
Will update again after I get the results from the next surgery - fingers crossed for clear margins!
‘Speak’ soon

Hi Sue
Thank you for letting me know how you got on at your appointment yesterday. Poor you having to go through surgery again, I am glad ur results sound promising and hopefully this will be an end for you.
keep thinking positive and will be thinking of you.

love Lilly x x x