Feeling awful

Hi peeps,

I haven’t been on here for a while due to. Sing poorly, I’m now finding it hard to breath properly as my chest hurts, I itch all over especially under my right boob from where the cancer was removed my blood pressure is low, and I now have problems with my liver, but something dose not feel right, I’m in touch with my doctor a lot as she is keeping eye on me and I’m also having blood test after blood test my joints are worse and they just swell I’m also tired a lot as well still having a good 3 hr. sleep in the afternoon, as I get tired easy I’m in bed by 8.30/9.30pm my shoulders hurt a lot so I feel restricted on doing my exercise and I also find it a big struggle in bathing and getting dressed , I also have food regurgitate which is awful this happened a lot so hopefully look into that, 

my boobs I’m not happy with but that they will sort I’m sure even they are still painful, so with all that’s going on I feel as if the cancer has came back I hope I’m wrong but still needs must check it out.


Dear @catt57 , you sound like you’re going through a rough patch. I am sorry to read this, and we are sending you positive energy and best wishes to feel better soon.

It is good that you’re in touch with your doctor, and that she’s keeping an eye on you.

If in between visits to your doctor you ever wish to be in touch with our breast care nurses, please remember you can call us on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Or if it’s easier for you, you can post a question in these boards on our Forum

Sending our warmest wishes
