feeling cold

Well i am 37 days into my tamoxifen and i am feeling really cold all the time. I take my pill last thing at night as i get into bed otherwise i would forget.

I have a two to three hot flushes in the day time usually brought on by drinking a hot drink, and my hot sweats also seem to be a night time thing once in bed,  i maybe wake once or twice dripping with sweat so sleeping on a bath towel,

i get hot then cold then hot etc

 but whats really bothering me is the cold feeling, i have not slept the last two nights because i am so cold i feel like my body is shivering inside , like when your starting to come down with a cold or flu , its in my legs arms body etc, obviously if i put on a cardigan, which i have had to resort two to try and warm up and get some sleep, then i get hot sweats, there doesnt seem to be any middle road i am either hot or cold, the sensations can happen in the day time too, is this at all normal or should i be seeking help from my care team ??? If its normal then i’ll deal with it but i would like to know if anyone else is suffering from the same problem many thanks   deelush





I had this my first winter on tamoxifen - I felt chilled all the time except for when I was having a hot flush.  If I put on an extra layer to warm up, it would send me into hot flush city.  As you say there seemed to be no middle ground. The subsequent winters it didn’t happen, no idea why.

Thanks for the reples ladies,

it seems i am not alone then, its just so different to what i am used to, i am usually in a tee shirt and warm when most feel chilled, have doors and windows open etc, i am now totally the oposite feeling cold all the time, ive got a throw on my sofa now and that just goes on off on as needed, im sick of taking my clothes off and on :frowning:

 i wasnt told to expect this as a side effect just hot flushes and night sweats :confused:


Heres hoping it does lessen or go away 

deelush x

Hi thanks again ladies, i am currently on the wockhardt brand and will be getting my third box delivered today, (have my prescription done up in advance so i dont run out) so i will give it a full three months and if it doesnt get any better i will try the teva brand, my pharmasist does get this one in if needed because ive already asked him, he actually said he keeps it in for another lady as its the only one she can tollerate, he said he can mark it up on his system which one i prefer so as to always get the one i want. I thought that was very nice of him.

deelush x xx 

I just want to empathise and let you know you are not alone. I feel exactly the same with ‘cold flushes’. It is a really horrible feeling. I bought a heavier duvet and sometimes resort to socks in bed. When I get really cold I pull the duvet over my head. This seems to help. Withing a few minutes I’m roasting-which I can live with!