god dont know what has happened to me lately, i have made a few posts on here since my secondary liver diagnosis in dec 09, i started chemo and herceptin week before christmas and felt quite determined to get on with treatment , since new year i am just so down, i cant stop thinking morbid thoughts!! i have a lovely husband and 2 childen aged 6 & 10 and i just want to be around them 24/7. i saw my onc on friday he examined me and mentioned some enlarged glands in my neck they were described as insignificant on my recent ct scan he didnt seem overly worried , but now im panicking after prodding and poking it fels bigger and now hurts!! i am convinced its sinister!! i am on herceptin and cepcatibine and have just started my 2nd dose, everybody keeps telling me how stong and brave!!! i just want to know im going to be ok xx

Hang in there, Galen. Are you planning on going tomorrow night? All being well, I’ll be there for some banging and filing.I’ll bring biscuits and choccies… Ring me if you want a moan anytime. I’m at hospice for lymphoedema check at 11am tomorrow that’s all. xx

hi liz
thanks for your reply, i just feel so tired, hope i feel upto class i know it will do me good, im not that good at moaning think ive just bottled this up as xmas , lapland etc kept me going , choccies sound good, hope you go on ok at lymphodema clinic 2moro is it a check up or is it bothering you ?
galen xx

Really sorry you feel sooo tired - I know it’s difficult to say the least. Would be great if you can make it to class. You can always have a brew, choccies and a kip - promise we won’t leave you to be locked in overnight !!!

Try not to get too worried over the glands - for the most part, I just keep reminding myself the onc isn’t too worried about my bone mets, including the spread in summer, and that if she thought it needed attention/treatment she would do something - doesn’t always work though…xx

Hi Galen

I think what you are feeling is entirely normal and very common amongst us secondaries. I too have a lovely hubby and children aged 7 and 10 and I have bone + lung mets. I think we get used to having the family around us over Christmas, and now they are back to school there are more times when we are alone with our thoughts, wondering where we will be this time next Christmas etc. I expect you’ve made the glands sore by proding and poking them, and as they have been noted and described as insignificant on the CT report, I am sure thats very good reason to be confident they are nothing to worry about. For the past couple of weeks I have been convinced that I now had liver mets as well, but I had a meeting with my Oncologist last night who assured me that my CT scan last week showed my liver was fine.

Hope you are feeling more positive soon because there are lots of ladies on this website with longterm liver mets (as I am sure you already know) and new treatments are coming along every year.

All the best