Hi Vonne
Just reading your post and the contributions on the thread from other ladies and wanted to say how much I identify with your comments.
I’ve also had an early stage small tumour, wle and just started rads
All your reactions and feelings are just normal.
Like Helena I was waiting 9 weeks from surgery to starting rads and just wanted to get it done so I could get on with my life.
I too had a massive weepy session on my first rads appointment. The journey to the hospital took an hour which was stressful in itself and as we pulled in to the hospital car park I just broke down.
I couldn’t process that I was there for cancer treatment but all the hospital signs made me very aware of that fact.
Often when it is several weeks since surgery we forget about hospitals, scans and appointments but now I’ve completed the first 5 of 15 sessions and things are moving along.
I was interested in your comment that you are not taking the hormone blocker meds and that your onc was OK with this.
Can you let me know your reasons? I certainly wasn’t given an option on this -I’m on Letrozole-and am concerned about potential joint issues as I have osteoarthritis.
I would really value your opinions and why you made that decision if you are happy to share, but send me a pm me if you wish
Hope you are feeling a little more relaxed and enjoying the lovely sunshine xx