Hi everyone
Just thought I’d drop in and wish everyone well and lots of positive energy, hugs and TLC!
The last few weeks have been filled with so many up and down moments, we’ve all got on as normal
And mum as always is just a trooper, insisting great nothing will stop her going out for her daily walks and shopping trips. Last few days have been hard for me, been putting on strong face for me but in my alone time (car and church at one point) safe to say I had a few breakdowns. It’s like delayed shock relating itself.
Update of my mum is today she was having a lumpsectory, she’s her2+ so we know already she will have to have chemo so despite the several questions as to why why why’d we’ve learnt to accept it and read so many threads on it, my mum can’t use my iPad so I’ve been sharing all your tips and stories and strength! (She even seen a lady she knows at the clinic today, small world)
Anyway, so due to size of it mum had a wire fitted, for them to ensure they followed it through and got what they needed, after about 5 trips up and down the lift in the space of a few
Hours (we called it the scenic floor tour) we seen her consultant who is lovely - always find having someone warming with some sense of care but professional is a lovely quality and the nurses, these people really do an amazing job. So injection, wire, mammagrom then went down for op and with me and my sister there (her two bodyguards!). We thought she’d have to stay over night as they kept her a bed and we were awaiting the news about the sentimental node biopsy, anyway turned up mum was in recovery and change of plan, mum could go home this evening and sentimental node was negative.
I see this as a positive for us and at this time we are taking everything that we can, I know we have to await the pathology results which again is scary and that fear is still lurking around, but mums a fighter and fingers crossed pathology results are ok, and we can get the chemo then herceptin started and beat this bugger. I think mum has accepted the chemo now and we’ve looked at wigs etc but we’ve said it’s just to ensure every bit of that poison is hit!
Hard to be positive at times but mums at home tonight,watching her tv and almost as if she hasn’t had an op today with her carry on and my insistence she just relax and her nightly chocolate snack!
Then us insistib she continue with her daily doses of manuka honey and other things we are making sure she takes! Have to try don’t you.
Tomorrow’s another day. And I’m happier going back to work tomorrow knowing mum’s at home. Sorry for the Long update but needed to purge! Xx
Hope you are all ok and looking after yourselves xxx
Hugs to you all