This is so hard to type and share but I’m hoping sharing will provide some comfort. The last 72 hours have been a whirlwind, how life can change in that time is so scary and I am just in shock but I am sad, upset, feel somewhat guilty for my mum and I don’t know what to do.
Here goes… so my mum who is very cautious of checking her breast, found a lump/ felt some unusual last week. She had a mammogram followed by a ultrasound and then biopsy on Tuesday, initially they suspected benign fatty tissue, this sadly gave us incline of hole which sadly was not the case.
Confirmed today over the phone as we just couldn’t be in limbo and wait till the hospital follow up appointment, I felt useless and like it was a bad dream I needed to wake up from. I still feel like this - is this normal? my mum’s GP had revealed this to us this morning so we heard the word invasive and the panic and emotion was all too much. Anyway, a very lovely nurse confirmed, invasive ductal carcinoma - she called us and said it was very small 1.5cm and from what they seen from the ultra sound the lymph nodes hadn’t been affected. She did say they had to wait until the receptors were seen and reviewers by the team at the hospital which takes place weekly, she was very positive and said it was treatable but no indication of treatment and that it was early.
I’m being strong for my mum and dad and family but I feel lost, like this isn’t real, I’m scared and obsessed with googling. The C word has always been our fear and here we are facing it. I need hope as I feel useless. I’m sure everyone has their own personal story I just don’t know what to do, mum is being so strong and positive and keeps saying she found it early so I’m hoping this is true. I cannot fathom the idea of work right now and my job is demanding but my family come first, life is changing and I’m so scared for her of what’s to come.
I’m hoping for some comfort in any similar experiences just so I can use that to be strong for my family through this hard time. Mum is being great I think still in shock, watching tv, shopping as normal but it just keeps hitting me.
Thank you