feeling low...

hi Judy, just wanted to say Hi and welcome. As you can see from the posts you are not alone. I cant really add more than the others have said. I am also trying to take their advice and not listen to statistics. I have never been ‘told a time’ and i have never asked…i’m just too scared to hear the answer. I just kep taking heart from the lovely ladies on here…i hope you can too. Lots of love. x

Hi Judym


how are you feeling now? Was reading back over your posts ? I think metastases do this to all of us…hopefully your new treatment plan has given you strength? I never ask re prognosis as I really dont believe they can predict. Am sorry your onc said two years…if its any help…16 years ago I was told it would be back within 2 years…I had over ten cancer free years…they cant tell. Travel hopefully.xx





OMG I have just come back to this and I can’t believe the response. Up again, unfortunately, but thank you all sooooooo much for replying and yes it does feel so much better to know that my down days (or nights!) seem to be normal. Thank you thank you… xxx

Morning ladies, 


 Hope all is well with everyone this  morning,  just to say thank you for posting. I am at a real low , diagnosed with Bones, axilla and ? lung, now last week had MRI for ? liver. now this one is very scary for me , dont know why ? just is, get results next Friday, Sorry but not coping, although I feel fine , I feel as if im on the big converor belt ,and things will end soon. No good to family so think I will ask nurse for anti depressents and or sleeping pills . So soory to p**s n moan , in many ways I am very lucky but cant get my head round this one some how, putting all this worry and misery on my lovely family .  



Am I a lost cause xx


enjoy your day xxx

Hello truffle shuffle
Phew this disease keeps on giving and keeping us on our toes but hopefully you can get some sort of focus on things …we women are very strong and seem to be able to pull things out of no where to face each day.
Sending loads of special hugs xxx

Truffle shuff…you are not a lost cause!!! so sorry to hear your news but you know we are all here for you. You are not being a burden on your family but sometimes it is better to share with s, the ones who truly know how you are feeling. Ak your nurse for anything that will get you through this awful waiting period. When you know whats what next week a paln can be sorted out and you’ll feel much better, i’m sure. we are holding your hand all the way. Lots of love. xx