Feeling nervous about chemo.

Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and I’m a bit unsure as to what to ask so here goes. I was diagnosed in oct with stage 2 , hormone receptive, grade 3 invasive breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy in dec . The results show clearance in my lymph nodes and the surrounding tissue which is encouraging. I was advised to have chemo (FEC) due to the grade of cancer. My chemo is due to start this Friday and I’m feeling very emotional as it’s the unknown. Can I ask for your hints , tips and experiences as to what to expect please. Thank you x

Hello Emu11

Welcome to the forums, this must be a very difficult time for you. 

May I suggest that you also post on the thread where many of the users are starting chemo this month as you may get a lot more support there, here is a link to the thread  forum.breastcancercare.org.uk/t5/Chemotherapy-monthly-threads/January-Gemstones-2015-January-starters-not-on-Facebook/m-p/915347#U915347

As well as the support you will receive on the forums we also have a free helpline where you can talk things through with a member of staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator

hi emu11 I start my chemo on wed 14th and Im very nervous to.Every body has different reactions to chemo,Im having 3 cycles of FEC and 3 cycles of T.there are loads of tips on this site to help get you through it and I`m trying to take one day at a time.it will feel better when we have had the first treatment not knowing seems to make it worse for me.talk to you soon hugs Sandra

Emu11 and Sandra, join the January thread where you can support each other. Also have a read of the December thread to see what’s happening to those just ahead of you. There’s a great post of top tips in chemo which is added to regularly.

Your nurses and oncologist will prepare you and support you. But we are all affected in different ways. My advice is cold cap to help prevent hair loss, stock up on easy to prepare meals, ginger tea and boiled sweets for nausea, I also like fizzy water and satsumas in the first few days after chemo.

Explore support in your local area through hospices and complementary therapies and counselling - it can take a but of time to get referred so do it now, I’m still waiting as didn’t enquirer til Christmas.

You will honestly get there, I’m half way through and can’t believe I’ve come this far!

Hi emu,
I started chemo this time last year (six of tch) i was incredibly nervous and scared, but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I took anti sickness tablets all through chemo week and I never got sick, the nurses advice was take them even if you dont need them. Also eat little and often it does help even if you dont feel like it. Macmilion helpline is brilliant too I phoned them on quite a few occasions.
You will know which days you are going to feel bad so you can plan life around it- I just had 3 days of feeling a bit rubbish in the chemo week and then inbetween life got back to normal ish!
Take care and best wishes
Emma xx