Feeling overwhelmed

Back in Sept I went to the GP with discharge from my right nipple I had a mammogram a  month later which did not show anything (I have very dense breasts). They also did an US on my right breast and found a tiny lump. I remember the guy saying he’d be really surprised if it was cancer. Unfortunately two weeks later I  was told it was cancer ( grade 2 IDC HER2 negative). I’ve since had an MRI and they have found two more suspicious areas on the right breast - one close by (small) but one further away and much larger.  They have biopsied both.  I am now waiting for the biopsy results. I am 45 and a single parent of 2 children. I feel like everything has gone from 0 to 100  -  ‘I’d be surprised if it was cancer’ to ‘its cancer but the lump is tiny’ to ‘we’ve found some more areas of concern’. I have another appt on 25th to discuss the results and hopefully a treatment plan. I can’t help but fear there will be even worse news. How have you all coped with the initial uncertainty and diagnosis keep changing? I haven’t really got my head round this at all.

Hi Claire

Sorry to hear this, i found out i have BC last thursday - awaiting an MRI and CT scan for further information.  The waiting is the worst as so much goes through your head.  I have 2 young children and the thought of not being here for them makes me feel sick. I woke up friday feeling positive and thinking all i can do is take each day as it comes, but then yesterday had a wobble.  I am incredible lucky to have a cousin who has been through this journey - she has been an incredible support, do you have people you can talk to about things?

Sending positive thoughts your way 

Charlie xx

I am in a similar situation to you. I have recently been diagnosed following finding a lump in one breast. Mammograms have shown a lesion in the other breast. It is all overwhelming, I have had biopsies, a cancelled axillary scan but now they want one! I feel things are just getting worse. No date for results and I am becoming more and more anxious as the days go by. I am 64, and my children are older, they have been supportive. I don’t  want to tell too many people until I know what I am dealing with. It must be hard with younger children, it may be best to talk to them when you have all the info and a plan then you will be able to answer their questions. Everyone says stay strong and positive but I find this very hard when all I want to do is rage and cry. 

Continue to voice your concerns on this forum, its helpful to know there is this space where there are people who understand and empathise. My thoughts are with you x

Hi Claire, I’ve had a similar story to you… also found a lump in September but not conclusive on mammography, and they were unconvinced at that time, only getting a lot more concerned after the biopsies confirmed IDC. Not only that, the tumour is 7.8cm, and I’m going in for mastectomy tomorrow. I completely understand why you’re feeling as you do. Nothing can prepare you for this journey. I’m 62, so don’t have the responsibilities you do. I hope you’ll feel better once you know what the plan is. XX