Feeling positive

Hi all, thought I would send one more post before I have my mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow.  Im actually strangely feeling brave this afternoon and wearing my big girl pants! ( even though I do have niggles in the back of my mind).  Im just going to deal with what comes my way head on and face the music…

I’ve read so many stories on here and there is nothing that makes me so special! its inspiring so im going in with a positive mental attitude…

Tomorrow I will know what journey I will be taking and will share it with you guys, my husband will be at my sons parent consultation at the same time! So 2 strangely important events at the same time ! 

I have bought myself a chocolate bar and a cup of tea for tonight and watching Love Island night all and :crossed_fingers: to anyone who has their appointments tomorrow as I really will be thinking of you ladies

Dear Bluecat, so nice to read you are so positive, fingers and toes crossed for you.

wishing you LOTS OF LUCK for today, looking forward to reading your next post.

big hugs my brave girl Tili x

Morning Bluecat - what a great message to read, we will all be thinking of you today and as Tili says keeping everything crossed for you too. Big hugs, Evie :two_hearts: :two_hearts: