Feeling pre-menstrual

I’ve been taking Tamoxifen for 8 months and I haven’t had a period since last April after my first chemo. In the last few weeks I have been feeling really pre-menstrual ie headachey and tummy cramps. I am 47 and assumed I would’nt start periods again. Has anyone else experienced this?

Viv xx

HI, I’ve been on 8 months too - I do get a tiny hint of my old PM and am a little aware of it - never feel as tho its going to turn into anything tho…the feelings of PM are more noticelable recently rather than at the begining…
not sure if this helps! Nicola

Hi Nicola

Yes it is a recent phenomena but I would say mine as more of a hint…I really feel like I wish I would just start a period as this horrible feeling I have now used to go away as soon as I started.

Viv x

Hi Viv

I’m now 47 and became postmenopausal after finishing chemo 18 months ago. I’ve previously had a hysterectomy (ovaries in tact) so wasn’t having periods but my hormone status was checked through blood tests.
I’ve been on tamoxifen and my surgeon wanted to switch me to letrozole last November saying I was now permanently post menopausal.
My gynaecologist disagreed and said to have my bloods checked as he said that ovaries can kick in anytime for up to 5 years after finishing chemo.

The result was that in March I came out of menopause. So thank God I stayed on tamoxifen. I’m now what they call perimenopausal. My surgeon thinks its my ovaries having a final hoorah, we’ll see.

So yes, it’s possible to come out of chemo-induced menopause even at 47! Elinda x

we both taking the same medicine fr 8 moths now and today I got my period
Im worried because my doctor told me Im not suppose.to have period anymore:(
Im 41’please advice