Good evening all - I’ve posted many times over the last few weeks.
My diagnosis went from high grade DCIS to 2cm grade 3 invasive ductal with no nodes affected, of the 4 tested. My consultant was sure it was removed and caught in time, but said I would need chemo as a preventative if there’s any rogue cells.
I was feeling ok but now worrying myself silly it has spread. What are the chances ? I have had lower back ache last two months. I was diagnosed with a uti on the day of mastectomy and took co-amoxicillin for 7 days and had no pain, now the same dull period type ache is back. Could it be the uti is back or could it be lack of exercise or could it be mets. Would it have gone away for a week if it were mets ?
Driving myself mad with worry - this all really sucks doesn’t it ! Will I ever feel normal in myself again xx
I am not an expert but I do know that uti’s can sometimes not be cleared up by the first course of antibiotics so I think it would be worthwhile ringing your GP or you could call into a NHS walk in centre if there is one near you over the weekend.
The trouble with this disease is that every time we get an ache or pain we go into panic mode.
Helena xx
Thank you Helena x