Dear Mouse H,

One of the ladies on the site, Jeannie, alerted me to your initial email.

I am sorry that you have been diagnosed with BC and also sorry that you have had a delay in diagnosis.

I know that you are very angry and upset (not surprisingly). It’s good to hear that you have family, friends and work colleagues that are very supportive.

I know that at the moment you will need to deal with future treatment and the positive side of it all is that treatment is getting better all the time. The BC had not spread to your lymph nodes and this is a very good sign.

Delays in diagnosis are particularly difficult to deal with because not only do you have to deal with all the usual stuff involved with a BC diagnosis but also a betrayal of trust and a feeling that things may have been different.

You may well need to concentrate on your treatment right now but if you feel you want to do something about the delay in diagnosis then you might want to look at a couple of threads on the “current issues/hot topics” categories. The threads are called “delayed diagnosis query” and “NHS Trust settle out of court for delay in breast cancer diagnosis” (the latter is on page two of the list).

Good luck with the treatment.

With best wishes,
