Feeling so anxious


I was diagnosed with DCIS after a routine mammogram July 2022. I had a lumpectomy last September followed by 5 days of radiotherapy in December.

Two weeks ago I found a lump in the same breast, opposite to where I had the surgery. I didn’t go to see my GP as I had an oncology follow-up appointment which was today (31st) I mentioned I had found a lump to the registrar who then called the oncology consultant into the room. He examined me and agreed there is a small pea sized lump.

An appointment has been made to the consultant surgeon on the 22nd of June. 

I’m feeling so anxious that it’s something sinister. 

Can DCIS return to the same breast but in a different location?

Many thanks for reading x

Dear Sandybeaches,

We have all been there and now we are here for you understandably, you are very anxious at the moment an extremely worrying time.

Your hospital was on the ball yesterday and you managed to see a consultant on the same day which is always a big help, i’m not medically trained to give advice when I had my cancer, I had more than one lump in the same breast, however everyone is different.

Try to be kind to yourself, one day at a time until you see you consultant again, finger crossed for you.

Keep posting, letting us know how you are getting on

with a big hug Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

Hi SandyBeaches 

It’s understandable you are feeling anxious finding another lump in the same breast. 

Although it’s not possible for us to say if this is DCIS that has returned to the breast, we know that nearly everyone worries about cancer coming back (recurrence) and you’re not alone in being anxious about this.  

After a diagnosis of any type of breast cancer, it’s difficult to remember that beast changes can happen for other reasons. These may be due to age changes or due to benign conditions (not cancer). However, as @Tili has mentioned, it’s reassuring that you were able to see the oncologist promptly and that you have a further appointment booked so this can be checked out. 

The uncertainty and fear of this being DCIS again is very real and although it can cause a lot of anxiety waiting to see the consultant surgeon, it is important to get this area checked out. 

It sounds like it may be helpful for you to call our helpline  to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001). 

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Best wishes 


Breast Care Nurse 

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