Feeling useless

ny mum had her first chemo on Thursday and she is totally wiped out. She has only really managed to get out of bed for a few hours since the chemo. She had a bilateral mastectomy in July and has recovered really well apart from the seromas which she is having physio massage on. I just hate to see my mum feeling so awful and am wondering when she might be feeling a bit better after this first cycle. x x

Hi there
I cant answer your question about when your mum may feel better as i didnt have chemo. Am sure others will help out soon about that.
Be kind ti her and you. Offer all the help you can at this time and be gentle with each other
best wishes, LL xx



I had my first chemo on Thurs 31st July and started to feel brighter after 5 or 6 days, by day 9 was almost back to my normal self.  The side effects vary so much with each of us but feel reassured that your Mum will soon start to feel better again.  Encourage her to drink plenty of water, 2 litres a day, to wash the chemo through her system.  Reassure her that she will feel better soon and in the meantime not to feel guilty about resting and sleeping as much as she can. 


Your Mum will have a tel no. to contact an Oncology Nurse and they encourage you to call if you need any help with side effects, dont be afraid to call them anytime.  It doesnt have to be an emergency!


I felt so much better with the support of my daughters, partner and rest of my family.  Be strong for her, it wont be long before she is back to her normal self.


Best Wishes


Sandra x