feeling very anxious and scared.

I’m new to this site has I have never needed something like this before, I’m 38 and have found something in my left breast, i check on a regular basis so I know that I don’t have “lumpy breasts” I’m very anxious and scared right now and reading posts in this site is really helping. I saw my doctor last Wednesday and have my appointment tomorrow at the breast clinic, I have a very strong gut feeling that this could be BC, I have no pain but my breast feels red hot and very “vainy” what will happen at the clinic tomorrow? Will I know what it is after I’ve been to the clinic? Sorry for rambaling on im just very worried right now, I really would appreciate any advice,


I forgot too mention I had a hysterectomy about two years ago, my ovaries were left



Hello and welcome, you are in safe hands here with all the wonderful ladies who will help and support you.  You are not rambling, this is a scary time


You will probably have a mammogram and possibly an ultrasound, they might take a biopsy of the area so that they can investigate further if they need to be sure.  It is possible that you will have your results tomorrow but if they do take a biospy it might that you will need to come back a week later.


Let us know how you get on tomorrow if you want to and we will all be there virtually by your side.


Helena xxx



Thanyou Helena for you response, I will let you know what they say, I’m really hoping it’s just a cyst but my gut is telling me different, at least I know that I have found a wonderful site like this and it does help. Again thanyou for replying its helped

Tori x



All li the best Tori…I truly hope it’s just a cyst…try to have a good sleep …easy for me to say, but I was like you a few weeks ago xxxxx

Thank-you feather I appreciate your reply, I’ve not slept properly since I found it my mind Is doing overtime, if you don’t mind me asking how did you get on? Xx




My symptoms were actually very worrying …I had bloody discharge from right nipple…I ignored it for weeks thinking it was a scratch …never in a million years thinking it was coming from my nipple.  I also I had this “gut feeling” it was something nasty…Saw GP, mammogram and Consultant…fortunately I was told it was 99.9% it was a benign Pappiloma.  I am now waiting for a date for the op and of course biopsy…only then can the diagnosis be confirmed. 

As you will see from the great ladies here, that lumps, in the vast majority of cases are benign.  You are young.


You will prob get your results tomorrow and will be posting us your good news. 

Good luck Tori…keep us posted - I hope you are in bed now and trying to get to sleep.  If you are, I hope you will see my post tomorrow and let us know how you got on xxx