Hello everyone
I had my mastectomy and diep last Thursday at Bristol hospital. I had a problem with blood loss and anemia and there was talk of a transfusion, but they said they would try me on iron. I also had very low blood pressure and low sodium. I had 2 drains removed on Sunday and was told I would probably go home Tuesday. In the end my last drain was removed Monday and I was suddenly told at 5.30pm I would be going home. I told them I didn’t feel up to it. I have no real help at home. My 26 year old son does live with me but he works long night shift patterns.
I’ve gone from someone who normally works 12/14 hours a day 6 and sometimes 7 days a week, to being unable to stand up long enough to make myself a boiled egg. I was totally unrealistic about how wiped out I’d be, although my gp has been round and I have a chest infection now too.
My temperature is up and down like a yoyo and my weight is dropping as I’m not eating very much at all. I was stupidly unrealistic about the stuff I put in the freezer as I e never really done ready meals.
Today I’ve spent most of the day balling my eyes out.
I must sound so pathetic, but I just wondered if any body can shed any light on when I’ll start to feel better as I still feel as though I’ve been hit by a bus.
I don’t really have anyone loavally apart from my elderly parents and they aren’t well enough to help.
Dear Lizzy, if you live near me (Barnsley area) then I will come and give you a hug! Sounds as if you need it. Being turfed out of hospital is very difficult, as you have to deal with what’s wrong with you, and the psychological effect of rejection. Cry if you need to. You’ve just had major surgery. And then when you’re ready make yourself a cup of tea. It will make you feel less helpless.
Oh my dear one thing you are not being is a wus xxx You have had major surgery with complications which would have floored any of us. You are still getting over the anaesthetic as well, just give yourself time small steps are the best,
Have you any tins of soup in the cupboard, if so you could heat some up in the microwave and have it with a bit of bread to start with.
It will get better honestly you just need to take one day at a time your strength will come back. I remember when I had my op I told my boss I would be off for two weeks and then back in it again and I did not have an mx, she looked at me and just said “yes we will see”, I went back six weeks later. We really do not realise how much this takes out of us dealing with the op and our diagnosis.
Just keep coming on here and we will support you as much as we can. Sending you a hug
Lizzie, what a rotten time you’ve had, and still are by the sound of it. No one, except us going through the journey, realises exactly how wiped out the op and then the emotional stuff does. Unfortunately we are all very different with recovery times. I came home from hospital after my WLE and really just stayed in bed for the first week. It does take that long to get rid of the anaesthetic, and youve got a chest infection too. The only food I managed in that first week were smoothies and soup. Fortunately my lovely old boy ran around after me. I’m sure your son would do a bit of suitable shopping for you if you could manage to organise him. Pots of soup are probably better for you than tins as there are more vitamins in to help your immune system. As for crying, well, Lizzie, we’ve all been there, done that, and got the t-shirt saying ‘l hate cancer’. ? My community nurses were very good at popping in to check dressings, take out drains, but, more importantly, listening to me when I was a bit down. Can you tap into this service at all? Hoping that you are on the way to recovery, and sending a gentle hug. Really wish I could do more. X
It took me 2 weeks to get over a lumpectomy, so for you its still early days. Everyone recovers at different rates, but I think you need to give yourself a couple more weeks.
Take things really easy and stop beating yourself up! You’re recovering from major surgery. You’re entitled to be upset and you’re NOT pathetic!!
Your not being a wuss your going through alot atm it’s a tough journey to get through I think the hospital sometimes worry about infection risk but at the same time if you didn’t feel up to it they should have let you stay in at least another night xx
Hope you are well soon xx
Stay strong x
Hope you are feeling a bit better Lizzy.
Please be kind to yourself, surgery fighting cancer and the emotional rollercoaster is it any wonder we get tired,weepy and tearful.
Sending a big hug, unfortunately too far away (live in Scotland) to be of any practical help. Xxx
Hi Lizzy - Hoping you are feeling better. Sorry but as still doing chemo can’t help on when you will feel better but hope it’s soon. Be kind to yourself - I know on my first few chemos I had this idea that I ‘should’ be feeling OK after a few days and that didn’t happen…my one daughter still lives at home but, like your son, does very long hours so don’t want to put practical stuff on her although she has sorted internet shopping etc. if I’ve given her lists . Have you been in touch with the Penny Brohn Centre at all ?
Thank you for your continuing support and lovely messages. Unfortunately, I’ve ended up with a serious infection in my stomach wounds, was ambulanced back in to hospital and had to undergo further surgery and a blood transfusion. I’m still in hospital now, over a week later. It’s been a hard, emotional slog - I’m far away from family, but not felt much like visitors.
I can’t tell you how much your messages mean, and I do promise to join in much more when I’m feeling up to it.
Hi lizzy sorry you have found yourself back in hospital xx you really have been through the mill but you are in the right place where you can be looked after xx hoping coming on here can give you a little moral support when you need it
Take care of yourself lizzy keep well xx
Hi Lizzy…I felt terrible too when hosP sent me home afyer one night having had mastectomy reconstruction. My partner took no time off with me and there was hardly any food in…My brother brought me a meal up…I felt so down so please don’t think others havnt felt the same as you…rest up hun in Hosp xx Rachael xx
I understand what you say about visitors when not feeling the best and feeling like having to chat.
I also understand not being near family bit too which is extremely hard but friends have made up.
You are in the best place for care and just come on here for words of support.xxx