Feeling weak

Waiting for treatment to start, but feeling weak.

Hi UKrose

Know what you mean I start chemo next Friday and I feel sick already, my knees feel weak when I think about it but I am trying to keep positive. You are not alone I think everyone on here feels the same. How far are you down the line are you waiting for test results? Please keep posting this is a fantastic site and I am getting so much help and support from reading the comments. Keep in touch, this site has made me realise that no worry is silly it is all understandable. Look forward to hearing from you again.
Lots of hugs xx

I think i over done it yeserday feel tired now::::frowning:


hi rose,

take things easy, try to eat healthy, listen to your body,
the stress of it all took its toll on me, and the mental side of things does exhaust you so you suffer physically,

just take each day as it comes, thats what i did, one step at a time, you will get there,

keep posting, love and best wishes Liz x

words of wisdom -something I had to learn… DON’T USE TOMORROW’S ENERGY TODAY!!! Seriously… we pay for it if we over-do it… Hang on in there… Jane

Thank you all::)x

The anticipation of something horrible can be really exhausting, so it’s no surprise you’re feeling weak. I like that thing about tomorrow’s energy, that’s something I’m frequently guilty of!

While you’re waiting, is there anything nice you wanted to do that you’d be able to fit in between now and the start of chemo? If you have something lovely to do, remembering how much you enjoyed it will help to keep your spirits up during treatment, so it’s not just spoiling yourself, it’s almost essential!

Honestly… chemo is scary - but your imagination is probably far far worse than reality.

I’m zpeaking as someone who has had some horrendous SEs, they’ve been managed but were not easy.

A *lot* of people dont have too many problems other than fatigue, you just don’t hear from them because those of us who get bad SEs hate them - LOL :wink:

The thing to remember is… this is saving/prolonging your life and any SEs are worth more time on this planet, though you may not feel like that at the time TBH.

Feeling tired/weak is really annoying and frustrating, you have to learn to go with it, it’s been hard for me as I’m very get up and go.
But if you listen to your body and take the action you need it is bearable just irritating.

As a “lucky person” thought I would post my se’s … I have an awful 2 or 3 days post chemo … tired, weak, nauseous, constipated, heartburn etc … then weeks 2 and 3 am back to reasonable normal. Though hot flushes continue throughout. The neulasta jab doesnt kick in until a week after I received it … then just feel very achey esp my lower back. So yes I am lucky… it could be worse… dont feel great but dont feel inhuman. Just starting to get the fuzzy mouth on chemo 4 … am doing 5K walk on weeks 2 and 3 every other day …so dont expect the worst … x Good luck x

hi, I am not awaiting chemo, but have rads coming up. Love the comment about not using tomorrows energy today.

oddly enough my chinese doctor said this week that my energy reserves have started going down, and he has told me to lie down horizontal twice a day, once mid morning and once mid afternoon. . I had noticed i was doing less, spending less time on physical activites and more time in a chair, but he said just sitting with a book or computer were not good enough, it had to be horizontal. He said I would notice after a week that i suddenly then had more energy between rests.

so i have bought some audio books for my phone and will listen to them twice a day --what a luxury! i would not normally spend time being that lazy if it was not a doctors prescription.

I do lots of the horizontal stuff oldandlumpy. Hasn’t made the blindest bit of differance :o)

ps. Interesting profile piccy. Hope that’s not sore x


Looks nasty take care oldandlumpy


yes i fell over, its very sore, you should see my knees too.Could not realy put up a post about it. some people go through so much on here and if i complained i would have gone to top of the list for the annoying things people say thread.So i thought if i put the pic up i might get the odd sympathetic remark.

that looks so sore OAL, bless ya. U look like u landed flat on ur face. Never rains but it pours as the saying goes, hope ur not too sore for too long,take care,love Heather x

Take more water with it oldandlumpy.

Glad you’re OK tho :o)

no, I had not had a drop to drink!

Oh OAL, you deserve lots of sympathy for that poor face, and also the poorly knees we can’t see! Bless you not wanting to write directly about it. There’s no way we’d have included you on “annoying things people say” post.

You take care, and I reckon you need to START drinking - you’d probably have fallen a lot softer if so, cos you’d have been relaxed after a drink! (Only joking about that last remark, honest - don’t want to turn you into an alcoholic - hee hee!).

Shelley xxx

Oal aww big hug it looks so painful poor u tc Laura

yup i’ve done a lot of the horizontal stuff as well-made not a jot of difference either! Just makes me want more!