Fertility after treatment

Hi all,

I was diagnosed last August (aged 36) with stage 3 invasive cancer, including a couple of lymphnodes. Her2 and ER positive also. I had two rounds of chemo pre surgery, a wide local excision, radio and am now on kadycla until Jan next year as well as an initial 5 years of tamoxifen. (Phew! It sounds like quite a lot when you write it all out like that!)

Anyway, before chemo I was given the option of egg freezing but my husband and I decided against it as we didn’t want to delay chemo. I was given ovarian suppression (not sure of the drug, an injection once every three months) as the oncologist thought that it might help to protect my fertility. 

I just wondered if anyone knew if there is a way that they can check whether fertility had been damaged by chemo once it’s over? Obviously I know I can’t try to get pregnant while on tamoxifen and the oncologist has said that while you can take a break from it for having a family she would rather I not do so for at least 2 years. But obviously I’m very conscious of my age (sucks being a girl sometimes doesn’t it?!). 

My husband and I aren’t desperate for kids, but prior to the cancer we were starting to try. We’ve always said we wouldn’t do ivf etc if we had trouble, but I just wondered if there’s a way to find out how badly my fertility has been affected so that I can mentally prepare myself. 

Would appreciate any advice from anyone in a similar situation. 

Thanks ladies!


Hi lovely it’s so rubbish being diagnosed young isn’t it! Especially when children are still on the radar

I think that you can get your AMH levels tested which can estimate what your ovarian reserve levels are. Maybe speak to your GP about doing so? I’m not sure if you can do it whilst still on medication as my cancer was just HER2+ (just haha, not a little thing at all!)

But maybe that’s something to bare in mind? 
Sending lots of love and lots of little ovary eggy thoughts ?