Fertility issues in gynaecological and breast cancer

This project looks at how women make decisions concerning cancer treatment in relation to fertility issues they might have.

We know sometimes it is difficult to share such information so if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to participate. However, knowing your story and how you feel is important to us and might also help other women that are or will be in a situation similar to yours.

Please follow the link to find all the details.


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Forum Coordinator

Fertility issues in gynaecological and breast cancer

My name is Aleksandra Sobota and I am a 2nd year PhD student at the University of St Andrews. I would like to invite you to take part in the research project that will help me complete my dissertation.

This project looks at how the consequences of gynaecological cancers (mainly fertility issues and fear that cancer might come back) can affect the quality of life of young women who were diagnosed with gynaecological or breast cancer in the past. We know sometimes it is difficult to share such information so if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to participate. However, knowing your story and how you feel is important to us and might also help other women that are or will be in a situation similar to yours.

If you decide to take part in this study you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. Which one you choose is up to you. The questionnaire contains 132 or 133 questions (depending on your relationship status) that we anticipate will take 40 minutes to complete. The information you provide will be anonymous and held confidentially by researcher and supervisor involved in this project. Before agreeing to participate in this research you will be given a Participant Information Sheet that will further detail my research before consenting to participate.

If you wish to consider taking part please access the information and the questionnaire at:


If you wish to contact us, feel free to do this.
Contact details

Researcher:                           Supervisor:
Aleksandra Sobota, PhD student            Dr. Gozde Ozakinci
University of St Andrews                 University of St Andrews
Biological and Medical Sciences Building    Biological and Medical Sciences Building
North Haugh                          North Haugh
KY16 9TF                            KY16 9TF
St Andrews                           St Andrews
Fife                                 Fife

tel: 01334 464748 (ext 14440)            tel: 01334 463521

E-mail address: as297@st-andrews.ac.uk   E-mail address: go10@st-andrews.ac.uk