Fertility Options

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and am told treatment is likely to make me infertile, (currently aged 36). My GP has referred me to a gynecologist, but there seems to be no sense of urgency and no one to speak to about options available. Has anyone had experience in this area?

Hiya, i was dx last march aged 36 and did a fertiliy thread which i will bump up for you as ithas some helpful info. I was told my periods wrre more likely than not to come back. They havent yet, i started chemo exactly a year ago and ended in august. I am on tamoxifen now. I did a thread on periods returning whivh may also help you.

There is a useful booklet on bcc with info re fertility, and a sort of check list of things the docs should raise with you as a younger woman with a bc dx. Its really helpful. Hopefully one of the moderators can point you in the right direction?

I sm really sorry to hear about your dx, and wish you all the very best with your treatment.


Hi Hayles

Welcome to the BCC forums, in addition to the valuable support you have here please feel free to call our helpline for further support and information on 0808 800 600, open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 (closed B/H)

As Vickie mentioned there is a BCC booklet which you may find useful called ‘Fertility issues and breast cancer’ and you can read/order a copy via this link:


Take care


I was 34 on diagnosis, and managed to get some eggs frozen between surgery and chemo. I raised the issue at my appointment when I was told that I had to have chemo. The breast surgeon referred me to the fertility specialist, who was really nice and went through everything with me. He then applied for the PCT funding for me and managed to rush me through an IVF cycle in the 8 weeks between my reconstruction and the start of chemo.

I did find that it was me that had to push for it rather than it being in the normal course of what went on. As it turns out my periods stopped after FEC 5, which was at the begining of March.

If you want, PM me and I can give you more detail.


Hi Hayles36. I too am in the middle of chemo for BC, and I was rushed through IVF treatment to freeze some embryos before I started chemo. I wasn’t easy, but I’m glad I did it. Again, PM me if you want a more in-depth chat on it. It seems to vary in different areas how much you have to push for it, and how willing they are to postpone chemo starting in order to fit in IVF. But for me, they were really good. I’m 36 too and have no kids.

Al x

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments, I will read up on link that Lucy sent me and get in touch with some of you individually so I am sure I will have more questions!

i too had ivf had had frozen embryo’s but am now getting divorced so dont think i can use them - did anyone get any info about this?
oh btw after 10 months i have a period !!

Hi I am 31 and have no Children as yet, but hope to in the future. I have Zoladex injections to hopefully preserve my ovaries and limit any damage (fingers crossed)
I was advised against freezing embryos due to having hormone sensitive BC and the OC not wanting me to delay staring chemo.

I had stopped taking my pill in August last year in the hope of starting a family in the next few years, then had my diagnosis in Oct that year. The potential risk to my fertility has been harder to deal with than having BC for me as I know the BC can be treated but the risk to my fertility is left to chance, something I can’t control. With a bit of luck and much hope, I will some day have the family I dream of. :slight_smile:

I Hope you do too x

I had bc 14 years ago I was 34, I had mx,recon, chemo which then was 6 cycles of CMF I chose not to have rads at the time holding it in reserve incase there was a local recurrence. I had zoladex injections and tamoxifen for 3-3 and a half years I then chose to come off them to see what would happen, I was told then(at the time of dx) I was too old for egg storage, after I had stopped the zol & tam my system kicked in and periods started again!!! ‘normal’ service resumed and just to give you all hope at the grand old age of 39 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy followed 20 months later by a gorgeous girl!! they are now 7 & 9 and the best gifts I have ever had xxxxxxxxxxxxedited for spelling,…again!!!


It’s great to hear such a positive story about your lovely babies, it gives women like me hope for the future, thank you x