Hi everyone, I found out about my lump on my left breast on feb 3, being lucky to have worked in the nhs I have asked one of our breast consultants to see me and I was seen on feb 5. I had my mammogram, uss and biopsy but on the mammogram alone my consultant have already told me that it was breast cancer. I was told that my options were to have mastectomy then chemo or chemo to shrink the lump as it was too big for lumpectomy then surgery after. I had my ct scan and bone scan done and thankfully, they were ok. I met with my consultant on feb 15 and discussed the biopsy results. I have a grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, it is aggressive and has some necrotic area in the middle. I opted to have mastectomy and have chemo after and I had my surgery last Wednesday. I am 41, just started to have a family and this struck me. I was referred to barts for fertility clinic and I was just been told that my fertility treatment will need to be self funded as I am on my 40’s. I have been strong and held on to the hope that I will still be able to have a family after my treatment but to self fund my fertility treatment is something we have not prepared yet so my hopes are gone in a glimpse. Does anybody know if I can get help somewhere or any information available or will I still have hope to be pregnant after my chemo? Thanks a lot.
Hi Maria and welcome to the BCC forums
Our helpliners are on hand to support you so please feel free to call 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays
You may find the following link useful too, one is to the ‘Younger women’s’ information and this includes fertility information:
Take care
Hi Maria, I’m really sorry to read about your diagnosis, and then the news that the pct won’t fund your fertility treatment. Have you though about appealing based on the new Nice recommendations released last week recommending fertility treatment for slightly older women?
I’ve bumped up a thread with some fertility information in it that you might find useful. Also, I’d recommend going to the younger women’s section of the chat forum (scroll down the left hand side and you’ll find the link), there are loads of different threads on there that you might find useful. Fertility, hormones, periods and pregnancy are hot topics amongst us younger women who have had a breast cancer diagnosis.
All the best with your treatment
Hi Maria, I’m so sorry you find yourself in this situation. All of the above info from Tors is good and I think if you call in to the BCC phoneline or write a request then someone will call you back and might be able to point you in the right direction for info. I was diagnosed in November, age 34, and while not in exactly the same situation I also have fertility worries. I wasn’t able to do IVF before starting chemo because of time constraints but I did get a quote from a fertility specialist… In case it helps you with your sums, the ballpark figure I was given was £5000-£7000. It’s a huge amount, I know, and I’m sure the price varies but I thought it might help you to have a rough idea as you try to work out what’s best for you. I was totally in the dark about costs etc when I started looking into it. I hope that you can appeal the PCT decision though - the recent news stories about it certainly seem promising so it’s definitely worth a shot. Masses of luck with it all. x
Thanks everyone, I did say about the nice guidelines but they said it was only a recommendations as yet and they haven’t been adviced of the change of criteria so the current pct criteria still holds. They have sent me the quotations that’s why I know we wouldn’t be able to afford it at the moment. It will be difficult because it would need to be done before my chemo and if we get a loan, it will be difficult as well as I would be off sick for a while. I have spoken to my breast cancer nurse and they will try if they could offer support in any way. I am lucky that I have a supportive partnerwould doesn’t love me less now that I only have one breast and if we won’t have any children. It’s just me, I was still holding on to the hope but I guess my chances are slim now. I am glad that I have started writing here, as it is difficult to discuss this with my partner at the moment, I know it hurts him so much to see me like this. Thank u so much.
Hi maria
sorry to hear your news.
i am similar to you in that I was 41 at diagnosis last June, and also work for the NHS.
just wanted to wish you well, I don’t have any knowledge about the funding issues surrounding fertility treatment etc but I know you’re not alone.
good advice above re searching in the younger ladies section on here though. It’s not always easy to speak to those close to you about your feelings surrounding all this I have found
good luck
mandy xx