
Hello everybody
I’m 31 and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Plan is for wide local excision and sentinal node biopsy (no date yet), then radiotherapy and possible chemo depending on post surgery histology.
Having children has always been on the agenda, likely within the next couple of years. However, that’s suddenly looking a lot less likely. I have an appointment at the fertility clinic next week. Whilst my partner and I are keen to maximise our chances of having children in the future, I confess I am quite frightened by the prospect of delaying treatment, and of the potential effect of hormones on my very oestrogen sensitive tumour.
Does anyone have any personal experience of pre-surgery fertility treatment? How long did it delay treatment by?
Or anyone who has successfully had children after treatment?
Any comments welcome!

Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site. While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below links to some of BCC’s publications you might find helpful. Also our helpline team will be only too happy to tallk to you about your concerns, calls are free, 0808 800 6000, lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.



Younger women: breastcancercare.org.uk/breast-cancer-services/talks-courses-local-support/younger-womens-forums

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

hi sarah, i’m sorry to hear your news. i was dx just after having a baby so i am not quite in the same position as you - but i do know a lot of ladies who are. have you heard of the group on Facebook for younger women with BC where this sort of thing is discussed but people going through the same sort of thing as you. it’s a fab group and a great alternate source of info and experience - if you’re interested the link is facebook.com/ManchesterYoungerWomensBreastCancerNetwork?book… there are a number of ladies on there who have had fertility treatment before starting chemo and have eggs or even embryos on ice waiting until they can try for a family. if you are having surgery first, it is possible to have your fertility treatment alongside it, so that you don’t have to delay starting treatment.

best of luck to you

Hi sarah, you must get treatment for breast cancer as soon as possible. 

Hi Sarah,


It’s a good idea to preserve fertility before getting into treatment. Many oncologist are cretain that the risks of having BC again are higher wihtin first two years, in that case giving birth is a risk.  Hope you find all your answers here…