Fiancés Tumor Markers Elevated 15 Months Post-Mastectomy, 10 Months Post-Chemo

Probably a throwaway because my fiancé isn’t too keen on talking about things like this, but instead of doomscrolling and reading terrible AI-generated Google responses, I figured it might help to type this out and get some genuine responses from humans.

My fiancé was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2023. Thankfully, it was caught early, didn’t spread to the lymph nodes, and was HER2-negative, but it was still considered “aggressive.” She underwent a double mastectomy and completed 12 sessions of chemotherapy, finishing in January of this year. She’s been on tamoxifen and another drug (I don’t recall the name at the moment), which she’ll need to take for the next 10 years.

Until recently, everything had been going well with nothing but positive updates. But today, things changed.

This past week she saw her oncologist. Yesterday while we were out Christmas shopping, her oncologist called (on a Sunday at 2:30 PM, which immediately felt concerning). He told her that her “markers” were high and has ordered scans for tomorrow. She’s now scheduled to meet with him on Thursday. After looking at her chart her ca15_3 numbers have nearly doubled since her last appointment to 58,

On a related note, she’s also developed a small rash under her reconstructed breast. She called her surgeon about it a few weeks ago and he prescribed an antibiotic which she has been taking and is scheduled for a follow up Friday.

After some Googling, I’ve become even more worried what the elevated numbers and rash and what that could mean. I’m not sure if she’s connected those dots yet (though I’m sure she probably has).

So, with all that background, I have some questions:

  • Are there non-cancer reasons her markers might have spiked so much?
  • Has anyone else experienced this kind of scare?
  • Is this normal, or should we be as worried as I feel?

I don’t have anyone to talk to about this and am honestly freaking out. I usually try to stay positive and see things with a glass-half-full perspective, but I’m really nervous right now.


Welcome to the forum. I hope a nurse will be able to answer your questions soon. This forum is for those diagnosed with cancer as well as friends and family.

You can also phone the BCN nurses Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small

MacMillan also offer a helpline for people living with cancer and their loved ones.


Hi wside31,

Thank you for your post.

It sounds like a difficult time for you and your fiancé. As @naughty_boob says you or your fiancé may find it helpful to talk this through in more detail with a nurse on our helpline.

It is understandable you feel nervous and worried because of the information that was given. There are many reasons why tumour marks can be elevated. The scans that have been arranged will also help the oncologist in understanding why this has happened and if the rash is related. You may find it helpful to contact your fiancé’s breast care nurse or treatment team to talk through her individual situation in more detail.

You may find the following information about emotional support for yourself helpful as you are supporting your fiancé.

We offer a range of free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of or has been impacted by breast cancer which you or your fiancé may be interested in. They include face to face and online courses and events.

As mentioned above do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. To do this, please complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back.

Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and 9am -1pm on Saturday.

To view our opening hours over the Christmas period please look on our website.

Out of hours you can leave a message and we will call you back when we next open.

Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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