A little Background… Im 19 and found a lump in my right breast when I was around 16. (roughly the size of a small pea) I didn’t think anything of it. I left it and tried to ignore it, silly I know. Anyway it gradually grew to the size of a 10p, so I went to the doctor who referred me to the hospital, I was given an examination and sent for an ultra scan. This scared me as the person who done my scan had to get in another consultant to view the images, it seemed to last forever. They decided it was a fibroadenoma but wanted to do a biopsy. At the time I was scared, shocked as I thought they would just say all is fine go home its just because your still young your breasts are still developing its normal and so on… I refused the biopsy. As i felt the lump was continuing to grow they gave me a follow up appointment, at the follow up I decided to have the lump removed as it was playing on my mind and worrying me.
I had the lump removed under general anesthetic last Monday, 6 days ago now. An incision was made around my nipple to minimize any scaring. The lump has been sent off for biopsy, IM just a little worried as the wound is still weeping/bleeding slightly. ive seen a nurse at my local GP surgery who said it looks OK just to keep an eye on it as there was a little area that was open. Did anyone else have this? Should it still be bleeding/weeping after almost a week? Its still sore and bruised how long will this take to heal?
I have a follow up in 2 weeks for the biopsy results.
Thank you for any answers in advance, sorry for 101 questions!
thank you.