fibroadenoma removal



Almost 2 weeks ago I had a fibroadenoma (biopsy results in 3 days to confirm)removed from my right breast under general anesthetic An incision was made around my areola, this was abit sore/tender for a few days (occasional shooting pains and achy nothing too bad tho, since the op the healing of the breast in not my main concern, its the feeling tired all the time havibg no energy, occasionally feeling sick, unwell ever since. My legs ache almost as if ive done 2 hours on a treadmil, my GP has told me that sometimes the aching is caused by the GA used in surgery, although they should not be aching 2weeks post op. My gp is contactibg the anethatist to see if they can shed some light. Has anyone else had this? 

Hi Jay1994

Sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post as yet, but hopefully someone will see it now and respond to you.  In the meantime our helpline team are just a free phone call away if you need someone to talk to.  0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator