hi. Yesterday I found out the lump in my breast is a fibroadenoma and that I require surgery to remove it. I’m 20 years old and the lump is 3cm. It’s on my left breast near the nipple. The doctor told me that they could cut in the areola (sorry my spelling isn’t great) so that the scar wouldn’t be too noticable.
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the surgery is like? Also, will i need long off work?
I work in a childrens shoe shop, so i do a lot of lifting boxes and climbing ladders. Also a lot of bending etc. Will this affect my time off?
How long is recovery?
thanks for any comments and help xx
I found a lump two months ago. Had an ultrasound that showed a lump of 1cm above right nipple and also revealed another lump that I couldn’t feel, deep under my nipple. Had biopsy on a lump I could feel, but results were inconclusive. Been told it is either fibroadenoma or a phyllode. I was given three options, leave it, biopsy again or remove it.
I opted to have the lump removed. Op was on Monday 21/9/09.
Surgeon took out both lumps through one incision. I was under the knife for 2 hrs. I came out v.sore but as long as you take the painkillers and rest, it soon calms down. I came out with alot of padding on and several layers of dressings, covering dissolvable stitches and sterie strips. I was given instructions on when to remove the different dressings. After 24 hours I removed the padding, and the pain has died down a lot. Its v.sensative now and only painfull if I touch or accidently knock the area.
I was told to have between 3 - 5 days off work, not to drive for the 1st two days bcoz of the anesthetic.
There were several reasons why I decided to have my lumps removed, one was the doubts over what they were, if they were Phyllodes they remove anyway. Also the lump I could feel was v.painful to touch. Also for peace of mind.
I don’t get my final result for 4 - 6 weeks, but I’m not so anxious about it now.
hi littlemiss. thanks for replying
i hope that you’re feeling better! were you in hospital for long after surgery?
I’m not feeling too bad.
Mine was day surgery, went in at 7.30am for booking in, had ultrasound at 8.30am. I was supposed to have been 1st on the list but then the plan changed as the lady in the next bed to me changed her mind and decided to have a mastectomy.
I went down for my surgery at 11:30am, back on the ward at 1:45pm and discharged at 3:30pm.
I went back to work today, one week after op. Was very emotional last week and tired coz I had trouble sleeping.
Saw my surgeons handywork today for 1st time, the wound is bigger than I was told (about 7cm long), so it was a bit of a shock, but he cut around my areola so shouldn’t be too obvious when healed. I still have alot of bruising and its still a little tender.
I also got my follow up appointment where I will get my results, I go on the 7th October. So not long to wait considering they told me it would be 4 to 6 weeks.
Have you decide to have to operation?
I came across this when i googled fibroadenoma surgery. I am scheduled to have surgery to remove a lump from my left breast tomorrow and i was told i could come back to work by Monday…do u think the whole week off was necessary, Littlemiss?
Hi Ladies
I had surgery to remove a fibroadenoma on 17th July
I just had the one lump and was actually in the theatre for 45 minutes.
I was a bit sore afterwards but nothing really to speak of. I felt really ill the day after - uncomfortable, couldn’t sleep, felt like I’d got the flu - and then felt really under the weather and so depressed for about a week.
I was advised that I could go back to work 3 days after the op and wound-wise that would have been fine. But I felt really ill within myself and so was lucky to be able to work from home for a few days.
But absolutely fine now and you can hardly see where the surgeon cut.
Happy to help with any info that anyone needs!
sfw66 XX
SO, I am having the surgery. I’m going in on Sunday night and hopefully out on Monday afternoon. The hospital is 2 and a half hours away, so I need to stay the night. I’m taking the full week off as my job involves lifting and I dont want to make the cut worse.
Thanks for all the replies.
littlemiss- is the bruising bad? My cut will be on the areola too. The doc said itll be less noticable? thats very good that your wait for results isn’t too long! That must be a bit of a relief. I hope it all goes well
justjudi- I hope your surgery went well, and that you’re feeling ok!
sfw66- Thanks for the info! Did it take long for the wound to heal properly?
I took a week bcoz I was unable to drive as it was too painful and felt sick for the 1st 3/4 days (probably the general anesthetic). Also I wasn’t able to sleep, so was incredible tired. I have to point out that I also suffer with fibromyagia, a chronic pain condition with M.E. like symptoms, so this complicated things. I had to take extra pain meds on top of the morphine patches I aready use for this condition.
The bruising is still there but has died down alot. I think I had a lot of bruising because both my lumps were quite deep. Every one is different and the surgeon said there may be a bit of bruising which is normal.
finding it a challenge at the mo with the colder weather, the stitches irritate when my breast gets cold (if u know wot I mean!)
Can’t wait for results on the 7th, plus I think I may have found another in left breast…
Asher - Hope all goes well with your surgery Monday, i’ll be thinking of u.
Ashers - hope by the time you read this that its all over! Take care of yourself - you will probably feel under the weather for a while but listen to what your body is telling you and rest.
You asked about the wound - it healed just fine and you can hardly see anything now. Its still a bit tender if I touch where the incision was but its fine and when I read about some of the ladies on this site and what they have been through I count myself as incredibly lucky.
Look after yourself - I wish you a speedy recovery
sfw66 XX
Hi all. Well I had the surgery on Monday and it went really well, got home on Monday night at around 10m, left hospital at 7.30! My boyfriend says I was funny on the way home as I was very drugged up on morphine and painkillers! So slept very well that night. The pain has been worse today than any other, but luckily I have painkillers to help. The cut seems to be very large, around 2 inches at least, possibly bigger!
I have my appointment for the clinic on the 13th October, so only a week to wait, which is fab.
Sfw66 - Thanks for the info about the wound. And for the well wishes!
Littlemiss - im taking a week of too. I hope you’re feeling better! Especially with the weather, hope its not causing too many probs! I hope the results go well today! and i hope that you’re other possible lump isnt anything! thanks for the well wishes
Hi Ashers, glad revery thing went well with your operation. Just to say that my wound looks smaller now, think that must be because the swelling has gone down. Still have a few tiny bruises.
Got my results and they are not Phyllodes
One lump was a fibroadenoma and the larger one (near nipple) was described as some other fibroadenoma (consultant said it so fast I didn’t catch what he said properly, but it was a very long name with fibroadenoma at the beginning ???)
Asked my consultant if there was any chance that my left breast could be scanned as the lumps I found in right side were hard to detect and that I weren’t sure if I could feel another one in left side. He checked and has found another. So I will be returning in 3 weeks (28/10) to have ultrasound & possibly another biopsy
Hi Asher,
I hope everything is alright and that you got good news today! I am counting down the days for next scan, possible biopsy and ‘lovely chat’ with consultant on the 28th October. Was hoping my husband was able to come with me on that day but his works won’t let him have the time off, so I will be going alone again!
hi little miss! sorry i’ve not been on, had a hectic few days. got good news though, it was a fibroadenoma! yay my paper stitches were taken off while i was down, and i saw the scar. im very pleased. small and neat! thought its been very sore yesterday and today. also back at work today, trying not to do too much as it is sore!
Littlemiss- im so pleased your results were good! thats fab aw i hope your next appointment goes well! and its nothing serious. thats a shame that your husband cant go!
i really hope everything goes well at the appointment! let me know how you get on
hi i was wonderin if anybody could help me out with some questions as im going to see my consoltant about removals next week.i have had the lumps for over a year now and ive only just turned 19.The doctorr were useless and scared the life out of me months ago. so i turned down surgery now im going back to have them out…
just wondering if anybody else had random stabbing pain in their lumps as i have been told this doesnt normally happen but im almost crying from pain
on average how many lumps are you ladies haveing and thier size… as all infomation i have been given says 1 or 2 lumps around 1-3 cm but i have 5 with 2 of the 4cm.
what is the segury like and also im a sports student and sport is a major part of my life so im guessing i can really do any after an op??
finally do they actually put anything in your breast after removing the lumps??
Sorry to be a pain im just very nervous. any help would be amazing
Hi there mads
Sorry that you are going through such a worrying time at the moment. I am sure you will receive some support and help here but whilst you are waiting, you might find a call to the Helpline of some help.
They’re great listeners and can offer support and information for you too.
They’re on 0808 800 6000 and open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes
Hello, I am from Malaysia and I just had my surgery 2 weeks ago. I had to remove 6 lumps from both of my breasts and they were huge. The biggest ome is around 4.5cm. I started to feel the lump when I was 17 but I kind of ignored it until the lump started to grow bigger and increasing in number. Right now the pain comes for some time but I eat the painkiller to ease the pain. As for me, I feel uncomfortable after the surgery as my breast, feel numb especially at the scar and sometimes it feels itchy too. I hope the scar will reduce from time to time as I’m having insecurities because of it. Thank you for everyone for reading
Normal MRI of the left breast BI-RAFDS 2
13 millimeter nodule with sharp margination within diffuse enhancement except for small hypointense peripheral margin and without early washout in lower outer quadrant of the right breast. This is most likely a fibroadenoma. Malignant lesion not totally excluded because of the hypiontense area within it and therefore surgical removal is recommended to exclude malignant disease BI- RADS 4.
I go in Wednesday August 31,2016 I pray all goes well.
My name is Kaci, I found a tiny lump when I was 17 and just kind of ignored it now I’m 19 and have 2 lumps one the size of a pea the other the size of a marble in my right breast, I had an ultrasound done today and was told i could have it removed if I wanted. My grandmother has breast cancer as did other women on my fathers side of the family. I needed advice on whether I should get it removed or not. Please help.