Hi everyone. Im new to this and was looking for some opinions.
I discovered a lump in my breast and was referred by my doctor to go to the hospital to get tests done. At the hospital I got another examination, an ultrasound and a fine needle sample. I got told chances are Ive got a fibroadenoma but I have to go back next week to a core biopsy done to comfirm this. The doctor told me Im best getting it removed also due to the size but didn’t go into too much detail.
I was wondering if someone could tell me how the biopsy and the surgery to remove it happens? Also, is there a chance that there could be cancer cells hidden around the lump.
i have fibrodenoma - confirmed by biopsy results. mine only 4mm so v small. i am having it removed on monday as occasionally these can change over time. they send off the whole lump to confirm benign so second opinion in a way. op is quite straightforward i have been told.
I had a benign tunour diagnosed last August, and my core biopsy was inconclusive. My one stop clinic prefers to err on the side of caution and remove any lump. The op was a breeze tho I was scared of the outcome.
I had a chat with all of the health team involved in my care and can only say they were all fabulous.
The op itself was a case of, fine wire guidance so the surgeon would find the lump as mine was not palpable then the op itself. Went to theatre had a chat with the aneasthetist who i had met on admittance, next thing I knew the nurse was telling me it was allover. Didn,t have any pain at all after the op and could go home a few hours later
Had a wee bit of tenderness a few days later for a few weeks, due to the nerves regenerating. Now feel fine and left with a teeny weeny hairline scar. So no need to worry.
Im glad everything went ok for you. The only thing im worried about was the fact before i got my results they told me it would b a 3-6 month waiting list as they were quite confident it wasn’t cancerous but now i got the results, still saying it was benign, they are operating in 4 weeks time. Dunno if this is good or bad haha x
yes op went fine - in one night and out next day. worst part was getting canula in my hand! scared of needles - pain afterwards not too bad - i expected worse. go for my check up tomorrow so will see scar then.
i feel so much better now i know it has gone - even though benign.
saw consultant - defo benign but bigger than showed up on scan so glad its gone. there was still a slight concern thant they had got it wrong! the mind is a powerful thing and we always think the worst.