Filgastrim freaking me out

I’m really struggling with these injections - I have to psych myself up for an hour beforehand - then am worrying about the side effects.  I’m a nurse but just can’t seem to get my head round injecting myself and worry every twinge post injection is some disaster or other - anyone got any pearls of wisdom please x



i was the same. Asked my husband or daughter to give me. Try not to delay-just causes longer to worry. Found my daughter was able to detach better and just get on with it which was just what i needed. The injection wasnt painful, i just hated after effects/aches and knew that is what would follow… i do feel for you. How many more cycles do you have?


First cycle - 2 more injections, then another 3 cycles of 5.  I woke up last night drenched in sweat again - I’ll ring them today.

@milly70 having gone through fertility preservation at the start of my journey with 2 injections a day, I unfortunately had to quickly get used to them so the administering of the injection isn’t too bad for me but a great idea to have your family do it for you. 

However I do share your pain and frustration at the worst side effects actually being them bl**dy injections. Or not knowing- is this chemo, is it the herceptin? Is it an infection? Or is it just the injection that’s meant to help me?!

Argh! But I do get the tiredness, horrible pain, tingling and stomach issues. Which surprise surprise start to clear up after the injections stop.

I do find having them out of the fridge for 20-30 mins and being room temperature really helps the injection…not sure if you’ve tried that?

Is it worth speaking to the team to see if there is an alternative? My hospital offer an at home service who could come out to you?

I hear you! This was probably the worst part for me. I had to get a friend to do it for me as I got myself into such a state. Oncologist was able to prescribe me peg-filgrastam?? Which was only 2 or 3 injections rather than the 10. Might be worth asking for that?

Thanks @Luskentyre1 , I’ll ask at my next pre chemo.