Filgrastim injection every cycle?

Recently started chemo (35F) with the ‘red devil’, I think it was called Doxorubicin. Have been given Filgrastim for 5 days. Does everyone get given the same injection or is to by person to person basis? Honestly hating the injection and don’t want to take them any more. Will I have to have it for every cycle?

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I’m afraid so. Each time you have a chemo session your immunity drops. The injections are to help boost your blood count and rebuild immunity.
I counted each one off as I did them. Keep going, you will get there x

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I had 6 treatments all in (FEC/docetaxel) and I’m afraid I did have filgastrim for 5 days with every cycle.
What is it you don’t like about them (I didn’t either)…?
If it’s giving them yourself, could you get someone else to do for you?
If it’s stinging, do you take out the fridge before to bring to room temp?
If it’s painful at site, are you rotating where you give them?
I read that some people took anti histamine to counter act side effects-maybe look on chemo link to see how/doses/reasons or speak to your team.
I used to take mine at bedtime so soon in bed. On day 2-5 when really achey, I used a hot bottle to wrap round me to relieve.
I did end up with neutropenic sepsis after cycle 5, so good job I did persevere but absolutely agree, they’re not nice.
If you’re really not getting on with them, maybe speak to your team to see if alternative you may get on with better?
I am really sorry you are having a tough time with injections-having to deal with chemotherapy is bad enough.
Big hugs


I’ve just had my second EC chemo and have been given the injection both times for 7 days. I understand that it will be the same every time. I found it was stingy initially but found that pinching a wodge of skin and putting the needle in at a slightly deeper angle helped with this.

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I had to do 7 days of shots after every cycle and even though I didn’t get any of the bad side effects, they were definitely one of my least favourite parts of the chemo experience. I don’t know why I found them so mentally tough, probably because it was just something I had to remember over a period of days and you never knew how it would feel. Sometimes if I picked an easy spot, I barely felt it. Sometimes it felt like it was tougher to get the needle in and it stung/bled a little bit. I don’t have any tips but I do sympathise.


Sorry youre feeling like this. I had to take them on EC but not paclitaxel.
You can ask for pegfilgrastim which is one injectio rather than the 7. I ended up getting this due to my fear of needles, i just couldnt inject myself.
Hope this helps x


This is my same fear… which sounds so stupid seeing as I’ve been poked and prodded so much. The idea of injecting myself or even someone else doing it every day is filling me with so much dread.

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Not stupid at all. When i explained to my oncologist she told me that she wpuldnr be able to do it to herself either. Its a haed concept. You can buy emla cream from any chemist or possibly get it on prescription to nunb the area. This could help.
I ended up having to get a friend who was a nurse to do it. But i was changed to pegfilgrastim which is only 1 injection rather than the 5-7.
Good luck

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I’m afraid it’s all part of the chemo yes, I used to dread them all day, especially on the bad days…hated them but my husband hated giving them to me more, used to make him cry…I had 7 lots of chemo and had them after each one for 7 days…sorry I can’t give you better news, but I called it a blip in my life, it will soon be over.keep your chin up and good luck on your journey.:heart:


Hi, I had such fear of injecting myself the lovely nurses at the PICC line clinic arranged for the district nurses to come and do them for me. I will be eternally grateful to these lovely ladies who said I didn’t need the added stress.

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Thank you for the messages everyone. They decided to give me the single injection instead due to low blood counts this week!

I had my first EC on 11th July and I am petrified of needles!!! Especially a lot more since they have inserted the PiCC line which has traumatised me. I have had to go to A&E twice and they have had to take bloods and insert cannula and won’t touch the PICC which has left me screaming the place down!!! The filgrastim injections were also given to me which I had to take from day 3-7 just holding the sharps box in my hand and taking the injection out of the fridge gives me panic attacks and I start to feel dizzy and sweaty. I am going back in a couple of days for my second treatment I am hoping that they will not give me the injections and be able to ask for the pegfilgrastim. Please don’t feel alone I hear u and feel ur pain. I am working with my psychologist who is trying to help me through these challenges. Maybe a McMillan Psychologist can also help you. Wish you al the best and sending you love.

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HYes thats the case, but you will get through it, i based my injection on the points of a clock so moving to a new number each time, if the last number ie 9 was sensitive then i moved to 11, that way you tummy doesn’t get too sore, i also found injecting at an angle made for easier insertion. There are greater benefits for persevering, and effectively its only 5 times every 3 weeks. love and hugs xxx moonsox

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Did any of you end up with the single injection? Did you have many side effects and if you did, when did it start?

I had the single injection but cant remember any side affects


My hospital gives everyone the pegfilgrastim so its only 1 injection. I think it does the same job as 5 filgrastim needles. I didnt like doing it, but it didnt hurt. Side effects were minimal…maybe a few bone aches. Ask for the single injection if you are anxious maybe. Good luck x

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The single injection is much better I think - firstly only one day to think about , preloaded syringe so easier to do, needle seems sharper so doesn’t hurt as much. Can’t say about side effects as usually feel rubbish/ nauseous after the docetaxol but don’t have any bone pain .

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