Filled up with a cold and have first docetaxol on Tuesday!

Has anyone had their next dose if chemotherapy while having a cold?
My temperature is normal, I have a dry cough which has made my voice croaky and a runny nose.
At worst I guess I’d describe myself as feeling ‘under the weather’ and under normal circumstances I would be carrying on with life as normal.
But with my first dose of Docetaxol looming on Tuesday (have completed 3 X FEC) I’m worried that a) it will be delayed or b) if it goes ahead I’m running the risk of feeling really poorly!!
Anyone out there who has had similar? Any comments gratefully received!
Thanks xx

Hi Kim555pink, 

I am sorry to hear you have not being feeling well. You may also want to try posting on one of our chemotherapy monthly threads where the users are already asking their questions, responding and being very supportive. 

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about chemotherapy and offer some support.

Best wishes, 


Hi Kim, I had the remnants of my chest infection last time which had turned into a cold and they went ahead as my bloods were ok. Fingers crossed you don’t get any delays but your onc team will know what to do for the best. I’m about to leave for my first t. Will post on jan thread later
Claire xxx

Thanks Claire, I’m worry about every slight thing that previously I wouldn’t have! My temperature has been fine throughout and I’m being given antibiotics tomorrow when I have the docetaxol so fingers crossed!! Had my bloods done earlier and I’m back on the serious water drinking! I’ll catch up with you in Jan thread - hope all goes well :slight_smile: xxx

Update for anyone find I g their way to this thread for advise!
Cold improved and although still coughing, chemotherapy still went ahead. I was feeling well and drank masses of water! Bloods were good. Panic over :slight_smile: