Final diagnosis

Hi again!
i posted a topic some time ago so perhaps you don’t remember me…
I’m glad to be here receiving so much support from each of you but, unfortunately,things have gone still worse…
I was done a conservative surgery on 11th September to remove my tumour.In theory it was about 1 inch.Later, after having surgery my onc told me again bad news : the cancer had spread to 5 of my limph nodes and the size of the tumour was larger (almost 2 ich).
I went under surgery again, but this time I’ve been done a mastectomy of my right breast
I’m really worried about the pronostic of my cancer, the onc says that having 5 nodes affected will need hard chemo and radio as well.
I would like to know if any of you have a similiar number of nodes affected…i don’t know what hope for…

hi Paqui,

I had three nodes affected. It comes as a shock, doesn’t it, when they tell you? I’m sorry to hear you had to have a second operation. I only had one operation as I had a mastectomy to start with.

I have had chemo and I will start rads this Thursday. Then I will have Tamoxifen and Herceptin. I have looked at the research quite a bit, and the results are all encouraging. You can also help yourself by eating well (lots of fruit & vegetables) and taking exercise.

Please don’t get too worried. More & more women are surviving BC these days. I know several people where I live who have had BC, and all are still well several years on.

Also, don’t get too scared about chemo. I know that’s easier said than done, and I was very scared, but it’s really not as bad as you think it’s going to be.

Best wishes

Thanks for answering my post RoadRunner.
I’m quite worried at the moment but i won’t give in!!
I will also have tamoxifen, but not Herceptin :frowning:

Best wishes & Hugs

HI paqui,

My experience is very similar to yours paqui, its hard to give advice because saying ‘don’t worry’ is hard to live by.

What I can say is that I echo roadrunner the prognosis is getting better for us all and life spans are growing. Last Tuesday I had an appointment with my consultant for results on my latest recurrence, for the first time things were explained in a realistic, frank way, no maybe’s or could be’s. Things do not seem quite so grim now. Yes I have to have more chemo therapy and my cancer is being re-examined as there was no definite HER2+ indicators so I do not know until I see the oncologist as to whether I will have herceptin ( I didn’t last time).

I know you are going to have days when you want to curl up and tell the world and those you love to go away, but honestly you will have more good days because life really does go on, you know when you smash a bottle of milk on the floor, the washers breaks down and next door cat has just dug up your favourite flower!

Make the most of those days paqui, don’t let your mind give you a prognosis, whats the point?

Sending you lots of positive vibes.

Hi cb102
I’m sorry that you have had a recurrence
i’m going into chemo in two weeks so we will cheer one each other up! :slight_smile:
might i know when were you told that you had bc?

Best wishes & Hugs


Hi paqui,

Sorry for taking a long time to reply I have been away for a few days.
I was first dx’d dec 05 I had a lumpectomy and 8 nodes removed. Then lymph recurrence dec 06 so a total clearance. Then another lump in the breast aug 07 so I have had a mastectomy.
I felt all the lumps myself and new instinctively it was BC so I think I have never felt the shock of being told, perhaps that’s what helps be remain so upbeat.

Good luck with the chemo keep in touch

Doesn’t matter Carol :wink:
Thanks for your coments
