Finally Mine !

Hi Guys
Thanks for all your previous comments regarding my breast recon - with expander.

I’m now 9 weeks post recon - fully pumped up and ‘deflated’ to the required cup size.

I can’t believe how quick its been. The pain has been worth it - it feels so soft and ‘normal’. It’ll be my 3rd anniversary of diagnosis on 3 August 2008 and I now feel like Ive come full circle!. The shape is obviously different from my ‘real’ boob but when I’m dressed it looks and feels wonderful.

I’m off on holiday next week and my bikinis are packed. I’ve put away the prosthesis, whist they are wonderful I’m hoping I never have to see them again.

Thanks again for all you comments, just wanted to now share my happiness with you all, after all I’ve shared my moans and worries over the last 3 years.

I continue to check the website and forums weekly and no doubt will be in touch dropping my comments to you all.


Nice to hear of a success story although I’m envious as mine is cr*p and we usually only hear how elated and pleased everyone is.

I’m disappointed, unhappy, angry and bitter that my so-called “reconstruction” (how inappropriate the word is) has been technically unsuccessful and I actually do NOT find it helpful that the surgeon agrees - it rubs salt into the wound especially as he can see no way of improving things. I will eventually self refer for a second opinion privately but really should not have to go to such lengths.

Hey ho …

Regina, I’m so sorry to hear your story - I do hope my elation didn’t rub salt into your wounds!!! - Believe me that was never the intention to you guys who have been there fore me over the last 3 years.

I must add, over the weekend my implant seems to have ‘shrunk’ slightly and I do feel now that I may have to have it tweaked a little on my return from holidays on next week. I can’t say its been an easy ride, but I’m finally getting there. The shape is obviously very different from my ‘natural’ boob but it was different anyway when it was flat, so I’m kind of getting my head round this at the moment - Buying bras/bikinis is still proving to be a problem, even though I now have 2 boobs, as they are very different in shape.

Does anyone out there have any experiences of this. I’m finding my real boob fits the cup and the reconstructed one doesn’t fill it but is more rounded - Agh h h h h h - why is everything so bloody complicated.

Finished moaning now
Regards & Luv
Clemy X

Thats why i am on here looking for some help. I had reconstruction done 4 weeks ago and have one amazing new boob but the other one is down by my feet. Can you buy tape or scaffolding? I could not get a cossy to fit so have just got bottoms and was going to wear vest tops! However I am very aware of looking a bit odd being.

Regina I am so sorry about your results. You should not have to pay for a second opnion, ask your gp to refer you.

Thinking of you all