Find out today about chemo ....

Hi everyone

I have posted a couple of times on different threads on here, since being DX four weeks ago. Already had WLE and then sample lymph nodes taken.

Seeing the consultant and meeting oncologist at noon today,. I have been told I definitely need radiotherapy, but will also find out today about chemotherapy and hormone treatment.

I am still struggling to take this all in, and am sitting here in tears. I find it so hard to talk about with friends and family so it sometimes helps to put things down on paper (well, computer screen).

I don’t know that much about chemo - I’ve been too scared to really research it much yet, but all I’ve read so far seems to indicate that I will likely lose my hair and put on a lot of weight, be very tired and feel sick a lot of the time. I have a little baby and am terrified about not being able to look after him properly.

Sorry to moan on - I know so many of you brave ladies out there have gone through so much more than me - love and positive wishes to you all.

Shenagh xxx

Hi Shenagh

Its undertandable that you are concerned about what treatment you will require and how you will cope. It might help just to talk all this through with someone, therfore can I suggest you give the BCC helpline a call and speak with one of our trained members of staff. Here you will be able to share your worries with someone who is able to offer you support and information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Friday and Saturday 9am to 2pm.

If you are worried about chemotherapy you may also find it helpful to have a look at the information booklet, which explains what is and how it works. To get a copy just follow this link:-

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi Shenagh

I can only tell you how chemo was for me, everyone is different.

I was DX last year and had my chemo before surgery. 4xAC and 4xTax. Yes I felt rough a lot of the time and yes I lost my hair. Any nausea was kept under control by tablets prescribed in advance by my onc.Over the 6 months of chemo I put on a few pounds and lost a few pounds, at the end I was about 4 pound heavier than when I started and have since lost that. Tiredness was an issue but there was not a single day that I did not get out of my bed and get on with the day. Sometimes I fell asleep in the armchair during the afternoon or early evening.

My bigest problem was my mouth. Chemo affects your taste and causes mouth problems i.e. ulcers but again my chemo team gave me a mouthwash that helped. The taste I could do nothing about, thats how I put on weight because I kept eating things to see if they tasted right. Very little did.

I finished my radiotherapy 4 weeks ago and again I was lucky - my skin held up well but if you have a problem your rads team will help and so will the ladies on this site who have had problems.

Come on this site and moan as much as you want, we have all been there. Occasionally I have had a complete emotional meltdown and there has always been someone here who has managed to cheer me up and get me back on track,Life carries on alongside cancer

Let us know how you get on today and ask anything you want

Take Care



Hi Shenagh

Sorry you have had to join us but we are all here for you.
I too am at the same stage as you as was diagnoised in may, had WLE and SNB but am to have a full node clearence tomorrow as all 6 nodes tested were cancerous. I will meet my oncologist next friday.

Pop over to the forum 'friends needed diagnoised early may’as we are all at the same stage as each other and can cyber hold each others hand.

Take care
Gina x

hi shenagh,
I’ll ditto what peppa has said about the other thread. Its a great place for a cyber-cry as well as a cyber-giggle if you are up for that. I’m at a similar stage as you - had WLE 15th may, seeing ONC on monday. My results showed no lymphnode involvement and good margins but Surgeon and BC nurses seem pretty sure i’ll be offered chemo. Still not sure until i speak with onc what the next step for me will be.
Best of luck for this afternoon

Shenaugh like the other ladies say, welcome!
I try not to think about it and still feel massively in denial. I only cry on my own or in the car when a sad song comes on.
I have a 10mth old and a 2yr old so i know how you feel worrying about your babies. My kids are my life and i am a stay at home mum ( not by choice at the mo-was due back to work 1st june) so do everything for them. I am kidding myself i will feelm totally fine and carry on with my bald head! I dont mind loosing my hair but my eyelashes and eyebrows-well thats a different matter!

Go to the thread- friends needed as we are all in same boat as gina already said. I start chemo in 15 days. 8 cycles of FEC. What a big b**tard BC is.


Thank you everyone for your kind words - it really helps!!

I have now ‘joined’ the “diagnosed May” thread so thanks for telling me about it.

Love and positive wishes to you all xxx

Hi I have been diagnosed this week and dread any chemo as nursed my partner through it. But friends have told me it’s so much better now. Have been worried sick as surgeon is away on conference so cannot be seen immed. How do you girls cope with the fluctuating emotions? I find reading comments very uplifting. Sending you all a hug!


I had 8 lots of chemo over 5 months and apart from being sick once the day after the first lot, I never felt sick at all. I wore those wrist bands that are supposed to be good for seasickness/morning sickness and swear they helped loads. I took all the pills they gave me as well as the thing I was most worried about was feeling sick.

I did end up in hospital after my first dose as well as my immune system crashed (felt fine so I had no idea!) but a couple of days on an anti-biotic drip sorted that and they sorted an injection out the day after each chemo dose to help that.

Apart from these little blips, I was comparatively ok. I had been signed off work immediately and was well looked after by my partner and parents and a (now) close friend always met me for a brew. Had it not been for the fact I had no hair, no-one would have known I was ill !

It is do-able as they say and I just followed the things they told me to do and on occasions when I had a query, I rang the oncology unit and they were fab with advice. I never went to the GPs for almost a year apart from having to get a sick note !

Good luck