Hello all
I don’t often post any longer, but do lurk from time to time :smileyhappy:
I was dx almost 5 years ago now. Left MX, node clearance, chemo and 2 lots of reconstructive surgery. I am NED as far as i know and getting on with life.
The issue i have, is that i have lost lots of confidence since my BC dx (not that i was all that confident before hand) but now i have lost more. My sleep is poor, i find concentrating for any length of time quite hard and i am always almost tired. My children are 9 and 6 and keep me busy and i have a part time job, which involves supporting others (online) and can be quite mentally draining. I am on the look out for a different job, something more relaxing, but have not been successful so far.
I am sure part of the reason why my sleep is poor, is because deep down, under the surface, i do fear the cancer returning ( i know i shouldn’t, but sometimes i do). Also, i am not confident with my reconstruction, even though i am more accepting of it now. I am not sure what the issue is, but i do not feel like ‘me’ any longer…i am not the person i was and i am having trouble finding the new me.
I need to relax, i want my brain to be calmer and happier inside and i want to like my reconstruction,instead of disliking it!
I do the living in the moment thing, i keep busy, love doing stuff with the kids and try and stay positive, but sometimes, well it gets too much…Is it just me? (pretty sure it is!)
Any tips most welcome
Naz xxxxx